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guy incognito

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Everything posted by guy incognito

  1. ESPN Radio crew is Dave O’Brien and Will Middlebrooks, if you out-of-market ppl want another alternative. Going with Dan here, natch.
  2. This is a great article from a couple months back pointing out the rarely-spoken but undeniable subtext that Rose benefitted tremendously from being Cincinnati’s Great White Hope, both during his career and after the ban. https://www.newyorker.com/books/under-review/pete-rose-and-the-complicated-legacy-of-cincinnati-baseball
  3. Why do we have instant replay, again?
  4. Are we sure "Rob Miller" isn't a pseudonym for Rob Parker? On the other hand, ben9753's comment has aged like an '89 Château Lafleur Pomerol.
  5. Just give us a decent picture so we can mute the sound and put Dickerson and company on, please and thank you.
  6. Twins are down 6-0 and it's only the third. And Baltimore isn't even fielding its A-1 lineup. No matter what happens for our guys in the coming days, at least we won't have to try and keep warm through the winter on this kind of dogsh*t.
  7. As in '06, my first thoughts are of my maternal grandmother (1904–1990), who always – I mean *always* – had the Tigers on her TV and/or kitchen radio in the summertime.
  8. Depending on a class action lawsuit that the NFL lost back in June and is still appealing, that league might not be able to share everything in the future either. If that happens, look for teams like the Cowboys and Patriots to be even more dominant than the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, etc. are in MLB. https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Articles/2024/07/01/nfl-sunday-ticket-trial-appeals-process-supreme-court
  9. Playing a SF team next, huh? What could go wrong?
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