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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Rampell is obviously in the right here, but stepping back, is there really any value to this? Does this form of "news" add anything positive to our society or to discourse at large?
  2. This is going to end up getting litigated, as it should since it's impoundment and it's an example of a breach of the separation of powers (ie. Congress controls the purse strings, not the POTUS). The damage will be lasting regardless.
  3. Also, for the record, I've really grown weary of Alex Bregman and bringing him the longer this has gone on.... I'd rather they just go get Ha-Seong Kim and ride Vierling/etc. at 3rd to begin the season versus Bregman who, while a talented player, is going to regress as he ages and for whom Comerica isn't exactly a great fit.
  4. I know that Detroit isn't the primo location for most free agents for obvious reasons, but I don't buy that living in Detroit for four months out of the year is currently driving this negotiation. It's all about money and trying to maximize it. In that sense, Bregman/Boras could also be leveraging the Tigers to up whatever they have on the table as well.
  5. Building on his comments here...
  6. Boom boss man got involved /s
  7. This is the guy's rap sheet....
  8. Springtime for lawyers here lol
  9. Who knew that pardoning a bunch of violent criminals might lead to some violence?
  10. I loved The Color of Money, but Bob Hoskins was better in Mona Lisa (such an underrated actor in general IMO)
  11. Bird flu epidemic raging, and guess where Donald Trump found himself?????
  12. https://www.splinter.com/trumps-assault-on-nih-will-kill-people-with-cancer Among other things being impacted by Trump's moves: cancer research.
  13. I just wonder if the Astros are being used as leverage by Boras....
  14. Has Trump ended the Ukraine/Russia War yet, as he promised he would prior to the inauguration?
  15. Assuming that the deal involves humane transport, which was Colombia's reason for turning back the migrants, I'm not even clear what was accomplished here given that Colombia was already assuming deportees prior to this. Looks like another case of the arsonists putting out the fire and expecting an Attaboy lol
  16. It's also gonna result in them looking east for closer relations (ie. China)
  17. Literally was out there two days ago saying that only white liberals cared, now that the decision was reversed hails it as a great victory. It's a bit at this point lol
  18. Wow, the arsonists put out the fire and expect an Attaboy lol
  19. It's honestly shocking how much people pay for them
  20. We will have to see if anyone ultimately blinks, but one of the biggest errors that Trump (and frankly our media and his supporters) make is assuming that countries will just roll over when he takes actions like this. First of all, countries have pride and patriotism... When we insult them and inflict economic pain on them, they are unlikely to respond kindly. Even if we are bigger than them... Giving into bullies means getting bullied even more in the future. Second of all, the Colombians all know they sell us products that we like. We all go to Starbucks or Biggby or wherever and buy coffee, or to Speedway or Casey's or wherever to buy gas. They know that Trump is susceptible politically to increases in prices on these items. And they know that they have imports (such as corn, a huge staple in the Midwest and one that they import a lot of) where they can hit us with tariffs. All of this is to say others have always had way more leverage than is assumed
  21. Thanks Trump...
  22. It's just the whole "Walter Sobchak" routine that some vets or active duty do that's grating for me... Where they fall back on their service to short circuit any discussion that they don't like or doesn't comport to their views. Most aren't like this... a lot of vets that I know in my life are 3D people that don't have to center everything around their service. I've even seen cases where I've known people a long period of time before service even comes up. (My last neighbor before moving is a good example)
  23. Even though I understand Eddie's perspective and view, I understand this as well. For a variety of reasons I keep my thoughts to myself IRL unless directly asked... And even then I'm usually filtered
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