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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. The reporting on WGN tonight is that the school employees understood that the person was with DHS. That became an assumption of ICE, but USSS is also under the umbrella of DHS as well. It looks like a misunderstanding. I think the story we are now getting is accurate, but it's not surprising with the way the incoming (now current) administration went out last weekend and specifically called out and targeted this city in the Wall Street Journal as being an epicenter for these raids. The end result is that residents are on edge and are distrustful of the feds. It goes to the larger point made earlier: this administration is singularly focused on immigration, but the impacts of this focus could very well have consequences for local law enforcement and other agencies in dealing with investigations of possible crimes.
  2. I have a feeling that won't be the only tie that JV is gonna have to break
  3. "While other countries cling to the stale past, here in America we breathe life into dreams. We create the future, and the world follows us into tomorrow. Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we're a nation forever young. Forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier. This quality is vital to our future as a nation. If we ever closed the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost." Ronald Reagan, 1989
  4. FWIW, during and after the freeze in 2021, state politicians in Texas went a long way to publicly bash wind and solar as a means to defend O&G, or come up with an alternative explanation that wasn't the fact that LNG was freezing at various wellheads throughout West Texas (which was a major driver of the crisis and came after providers, after the 2011 winter storm, didn't do hardly anything in response). The effect of that is that wind energy popularity even in the largest wind producing state isn't what it used to be and is now, like many other things in our society, politically polarized for absolutely no reason at all. So no, I don't think this is about blue states or red states, this is that Donald Trump has always hated this stuff (for the same reasons that NIMBY coastal elitists types hate it) and that he and others have primed the base to hate this stuff. Even if there is economic benefit.
  5. So bad on so many levels.
  6. As far as the Big Tech guys are concerned, I've become more convinced that their latest heel turn is less about where they think public opinion is going and more about Trump promising them lots of cash for AI and other pursuits. The Stargate announcement was kinda revealing in particular.
  7. Great post - this technology (along with the proliferation of bitcoin mining) is absolute bottomless suck of energy. There's no guarantee that it will be cost effective any time soon
  8. If we want to be totally honest, Los Angeles finds itself in the predicament that it's in because (in large part) it's really not an area where a major metropolis should have been built. But that's the fault of the likes of Fred Eaton and Wililam Mulholland, not contemporary politicians. My guess is that Donald Trump probably has no idea who William Mulholland was nor understands anything about hydrology, and views this more using the tragedy of others for his own gain.
  9. I didn't realize that being anti-harassment and in favor of safety and occupational health qualified for "woke" under this new administration
  10. http://www.sca.isr.umich.edu/ All this just makes the tech bros look more divorced from reality...
  11. *crickets*
  12. Going to a state recently ravaged by a Hurricane and then suggesting the elimination of FEMA is.... not what I would call looking like a real POTUS.
  13. A lot of conservatives in high-output ag states like Illinois or Iowa see solar farms as a waste of productive agricultural land.... it's not entirely wrong, but on the other hand, farms are generally outputting way more product that can be marketed domestically and we export a massive amount of corn, grain, other commodities. And these farms, which on average (at least in Illinois) are around 50 acres, are generally smaller than subdivision and new housing, for which there's far less controversy when they overtake productive agricultural land.. The opposition to windmills, of which there's little footprint to speak of, is even more mystifying.
  14. Him name-checking Florida in this is interesting....
  15. The politics around wind and solar are still fairly polarized, but it also comes down to land rights as well. Farmers see a source of additional revenue, we all benefit from secondary sources of energy, it's hard to see the downside exactly. So yeah, Trump can speak for himself when he goes all "we don't want _____"
  16. What's Trump's plans to combat low home sales and high interest rates?
  17. He's also wrong in that Cubans have pretty much always been a GOP constituency going all the way back to the fall of Batista / rise of Castro
  18. They are also freeing up resources from other departments that don't deal directly with immigration (such as DEA) to focus on immigration as well. Which in turn makes dealing with laws that fall under other department's purview harder to combat or enforce. You are correct, none of this makes us any safer.
  19. It bears repeating yet again, but people who live and reside in the Midwest are in-line to be acutely impacted by Canadian tariffs should they happen. Plan accordingly.
  20. Trump's fascination with AI has been interesting to watch, particularly for a guy that has long run as a guy preoccupied (whether genuine or not) on the onshoring of American jobs.
  21. There's a lot to be frustrated about with this point that we find ourselves in, but the preoccupation with the innermost thoughts of these tech bros (who clearly have nothing in common with normal people or can relate in any way to their problems) remains a real crutch for all of us. Literally the only reason we are forced to care what any of these guys think about anything is their money. That's it.
  22. It goes without saying that commodity prices are taken as an average for a reason. Also, the Aldi near our house has them going about 10 cents more expensive than when I was there on Sunday, so.... lol
  23. The second paragraph is a good breakdown of one of the unintended consequences of prioritizing immigration enforcement over everything else.
  24. This rando is free to make the decision that some of us made with Twitter - leave.
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