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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. I keep awaiting some sort of indication that this government is aware of the price of eggs or the indication that bird flu is a serious problem, but everything they've done this far has suggested that they don't care and has gone in the direction of making government less transparent about bird flu in general.
  2. https://www.newarknj.gov/news/mayor-ras-j-barakas-statement-on-ice-raid-on-newark-business-establishment “Today, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents raided a local establishment in the City of Newark, detaining undocumented residents as well as citizens, without producing a warrant. One of the detainees is a U.S. military veteran who suffered the indignity of having the legitimacy of his military documentation questioned. This egregious act is in plain violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees ‘the right of the people be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures….’ “Newark will not stand by idly while people are being unlawfully terrorized. I will be holding a press conference in alliance with partners ready and willing to defend and protect civil and human rights. Details to come.” This was always the thing with the ICE Raids - they will inevitably end up with arrests of legal individuals and actual citizens
  3. I agree, for what it's worth I'm curious is Holic's liking of your post constitutes agreement with the characterization that they are both narcissistic ***holes and total control freaks
  4. Incredible, but nothing surprising for these guys
  5. Hope everybody stocked up lol
  6. Yep. It's using the power of the state to make dissent painful for their critics.
  7. Anything related to inflation stopped mattering to Trump and his followers on 11/6/2025. It's really as simple as that.
  8. Another earnest question: how does rescinding employment to medical professionals help improve the VA or "Make America Great Again" more broadly?
  9. We agree on this....
  10. Maybe it's because I'm a civil engineer, but I always remember the Surfside condo collapse.... not even a natural disaster, just a building that for a variety of possible explanations just collapsed. Literally something that could happen anywhere in the United States. FEMA needs to be there in all of these cases regardless of politics.
  11. The most... charitable explanation (not charitable in anyway) is that he may be looking to treat FEMA like a protection racket, where people have to bend to his will in some way to get what they want out of the feds when a disaster hits. But stepping back for a minute, how does that make us, collectively, any better off as a country? Does letting California burn uncontrollably, or (hypothetical scenarios) leaving earthquake damage in Washington or damage from a tornado striking the Chicago suburbs unmanaged, do these things like this help our country in anyway? Do they help the economy, do they make us great again? Americans in different parts of the country approach politics differently and disagree on a lot. It's the way it's always been and the way it probably always will be. But when disaster strikes, the partisan **** shouldn't be a factor at all. We learned this with NC.... politicizing these disasters does nothing to help people on the ground. And it only divides us.
  12. Along with that money comes the coordination of relief efforts as well. I really do not understand how getting a rid of FEMA and letting the states entirely handle all disaster relief "Makes America Great Again".... taken to it's logical end, it seems like it would end causing more pain and suffering
  13. Love his concern for merit based hiring while cheering on the likes of Pete Hegseth to run the largest bureaucracy in government lol
  14. Not clear how this "Makes America Great Again"...
  15. As usual, misses the point entirely
  16. Worth noting that the "A" in "DEIA" addresses Accessibility (ie. the disabled) Also speaks volumes.....
  17. https://chcoc.gov/sites/default/files/OPM Memo Initial Guidance Regarding DEIA Executive Orders.pdf Here you go
  18. Another earnest question for the conservatives on the board: How does one act upon this in a way that doesn't specifically target employees based on their race, color, gender or other characteristics?
  19. It wasn't a grievance, so unclear what Holic is talking about?
  20. I have no idea whether this is engagement farming or serious, but if the latter... if you buy the ticket, you get to go for the ride
  21. I appreciate that, was asking earnestly.
  22. Elon gets to play by a different set of rules than the rest of us... Ultimately this is more of a distraction than anything, but it's pretty clear to me what happened here. And the fact that foreign outlets are willing to call it out while our media cowers is very very telling.
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