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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Trump’s Inauguration Ratings Down Bigly From Biden’s "Altogether, Trump’s triumphant return to the White House drew an average total viewership for the day (tracking from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm ET) of 24.59 million viewers, reported The Wrap. That figure is based on combining viewer numbers from fifteen networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, Merit Street Media, Telemundo, Univision, CNBC, CNN, CNNe, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, MSNBC, Newsmax, NewsNation, and PBS. That number of 24.59 million viewers was 27% lower than Biden’s 2021 inauguration (33.76 million viewers tracked from 17 channels) was 19.75% lower than Trump’s first inauguration in 2021 (30.64 million viewers across 12 networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, Univision, Telemundo, CNBC, Fox Business Network, Galavision, and HLN). The Wrap also analyzed the demographic breakdown of the viewers. Monday’s audience drew 1.43 million viewers ages 18-34, 4.67 million viewers ages 35-54, and 17.4 million viewers over 55, while the audience from 2021 was 2.85 million viewers ages 18-34, 8.21 million viewers ages 35-54, and 21 million viewers over 55."
  2. Has Trump even uttered the word "eggs" since inauguration?
  3. My thing is that you have actual news outlets that have reported on this particular gesture with the characterization she used in her posts. Reasonable minds can disagree, but I find it pretty troubling.
  4. Do you believe it warranted her being fired? Assuming this was a personal account?
  5. CBS 58 weather reporter Sam Kuffel is out after criticizing Elon Musk arm gesture Cancel culture run amok
  6. Attacking her personally is all they have... because at the end of the day, she is right. And they all know it.
  7. You willing to bet voters feel that way if inflation starts going up towards 4, 5, 6% again?
  8. This is the case where these sorts of Christians, not only endorsing or voting for Donald Trump, embracing him causes them to lose all credibility. The guy is just an amoral person, someone who clearly lacks any sort of faith or spirit. I can't judge where his soul lies, that's above my pay grade, but just on his deeds and actions, that's what I see in how he comports himself. Really people shouldn't judge others for there faith, but the kinds of people you describe, as far as I'm concerned, have forfeited any sort of credibility or moral high ground on anything
  9. Can't speak to whether he's referring to something related to his lane, but as a purely political matter, how anybody could watch what happened in 2022 and 2023 and think "oh yeah, what's the big deal about a little inflation" is beyond my comprehension.
  10. Looking forward to seeing how this is all Biden's fault.
  11. Definitely not excusing anything. But there's value in understanding it.
  12. There's also the fact that polling (including the CBS YouGov poll that Holic was extolling on Sunday) shows that a majority of voters were not supportive of pardoning J6 criminals. I feel like I have to say it again and again and again, but people voted for him in-spite of these views, not because of them. MAGA doesn't get it
  13. Literally not what anybody here said
  14. I don't need the ADL to tell me what I saw.
  15. Trump is definitely not to blame for Trump's decisions to pardon a bunch of violent criminals. Just stellar logic right there.... you'd think he was a toddler who didn't have control of any of his faculties lol
  16. Thanks for sharing - looks like it could be SOP, although with H5N1 going around, it seems like maybe they should do some of the onboarding on the fly.
  17. If you're referring to Ulbricht, also with evidence to suggest attempting a murder-for-hire scheme Not clear why this is something to be celebrated?
  18. It's behind a paywall for me, does this impact recalls as well?
  19. When I think good guys, I definitely think of the Robber Barons... Jeebus
  20. Even over the course of my life (36 years now), people have gotten more and more cynical and nihilistic. Social media, in particular, added gasoline to that fire. What's particularly ironic is that I have family members who, back when FB first burst into the scene, would warn me against it and that it was bad. Fast forward to today, the roles are almost inversed lol Regardless, Donald is just the perfect leader for the "LOL, nothing matters" era that we find ourselves in. Distrustful of others, negative about the world, etc.
  21. Trump publicized this by taking this action in the first place. He felt it important enough even to take this action on Day One of his Presidency. You realize he has agency and could very well have not taken this action, right?
  22. For all the people complaining yesterday around 10 am about Biden's pardons, you think Trump is interested in some pardon reform? lol
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