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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Feels like it wasn't that long ago that Trump's administration was talking about kicking Canada out of Five Eyes... It appears they may not the ones kicking anything lol
  2. This is a really good thread and something I've been thinking about a lot... Generally mainstream reporters go to great lengths to get both sides of a story, but on at least two occasions the past few months, I've read articles dealing with trans issues that didn't quote any trans people. And that's... just not good journalism
  3. I actually agree with both G2 and TB13 here. Aspects of DEI itself are not popular and have fallen short of achieving the goals it set out to make. However, in the context of the campaign, speaking to Ed's Google search screenshot, it was all about creating a bogeyman to distract from other issues where Trump has liabilities. Some of which he is currently acting up on as POTUS. The bigger piece is, recalling an interaction with Holic a day before the inauguration, is the blurring of the lines between the "DEI" bogeyman and the concepts of diversity, equity and inclusion in general. This administration in it's actions is overreaching, IMO, because it is acting like concepts like diversity and inclusion are unpopular... Even equity, which is probably the most problematic concept, isn't broadly unpopular. Polling since the election has continually showed it. The American people broadly are not akin to Stephen Miller but they are treating them like they are. I hope there are consequences going forward
  4. Their arrogance is going to be our downfall...
  5. Regarding Tork...
  6. I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion about trading Maeda... Not that he would bring back a lot, but someone would take him if he's pitching like has this far in ST
  7. What a ****show
  8. God believes in metaphors
  9. The French, British and many other NATO countries have died on our behalf in Afghanistan. Estonia in particular who was elevated in the early oughts saw many more deaths per capita than other NATO members, all because they wanted the protection that NATO offered given their next door neighborhood. There isn't a hell hot enough for this guy
  10. I hate to interrupt our relitigation of the 2024 election... But what is the point of all this ****?
  11. Biden (and Harris) were done in by inflation more than anything else. Maybe Biden 10-15 years younger could have better explained or campaigned despite it, but it was gonna be a tough road for any D in this environment
  12. It's amazing how well stocked this administration is with Marie Antoinettes
  13. Seriously...
  14. I always knew that God was into metaphors
  15. Also worth noting that a lot of non college educated white voters (including Ds) voted for Reagan back in 1980 and 1984. The 500+ EC vote landslide in 1984 happened for a reason after all
  16. Also just think we need to be honest in that the GOP is also heavily motivated by identity politics as well. They may not get penalized or held to account to it as much, but they are. The speech last night is a good example... The account I read said that he spent a significant about of time going after transgendered athletes, yet could only carve out 30 second to talk about cost of living / price issues
  17. Do the Murdoch's ever get embarrassed by unbelievably stupid and idiotic lies like this? (Rhetorical question)
  18. Slotkin is getting heat from the left for the speech, but I also think it's a question of speaking to a broader electorate. I think she did well here
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