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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Is it though?
  2. Umm, the full video of him hitting his heart and then sticking it out is the evidence. Simply posting pictures of people sticking their hands out doesn't prove anything
  3. He's such a moron.... and he sounds wore out.
  4. So, apparently Trump's latest moves to help lower the cost of consumer goods is to *checks notes*.... rename Mount Denali and the Gulf of Mexico.
  5. Probably not a large group, but there probably are even a few that voted for Kamala that are satisfied with the outcome (insofar that they may not have strong feelings one way or another, perhaps)
  6. There are also likely people who are satisfied that he won the election who don't like Donald Trump and chose him as the lesser of two evils. (EDIT: or as you suggest, voted for Kamala even) CBS YouGov (I read the crosstabs yesterday after Holic shared them) conspicuously DID NOT ask a question on favorability, which is what I'm talking about - I suspect that number would be lower. Now, once they go out and take approval polls now that he's in office, we'll have to see how that goes.
  7. They aren't the same question.
  8. Dude entered office with a 46-48 favorability per 538 today. That's... Lower than his first term. I've beaten this horse to death, but what Holic says can be true with what you have said above being true as well. The disconnect is that Trump fans don't want to acknowledge your point because it would require them to acknowledge that a lot of his proposals (such as tariffs and pardoning J6 criminals, among others) are pretty unpopular, and that he won in spite of them, not because of them
  9. The number I recall seeing was 172 violent offenders impacted with this result today. Thats... a lot of people FFS
  10. Literally said that I didn't agree with Biden's pa... Ahh, nevermind. Like talking to a wall lol
  11. I'll register this as you being fine with pardoning violent criminals.
  12. The guy who regularly lectured people about inflation a couple of years ago suddenly seems unconcerned about prices. Remains interesting
  13. I've already said I disagree with Biden's pardons. Is pardoning violent J6ers "pro life"?
  14. Thanks, Thread Police
  15. Is pardoning violent J6ers "pro life"?
  16. The fears are well founded...
  17. I asked this earlier, but how long until one of the violent offenders he pardoned or commuted commits another violent crime?
  18. Violent offenses included in those pardoned and commuted.
  19. This is the media criticism thread lol
  20. Exclusive: Trump administration canceling flights for nearly 1,660 Afghan refugees, say U.S official, advocate
  21. They sure know how to pick 'em lol
  22. I agree with this, although it'd be nice if this feeling were reciprocated by a lot of conservative-leaning people who, at least in my experience, have no problem trashing people with experiences that don't match theirs.
  23. I've lived almost my entire life in conservative areas, including growing up in a town that gave Trump 70% of the vote and currently in a county that gave him 64%. I respect people regardless of who they voted for, and even know and socialize with quite a few people who voted differently than me. But on expressing support in that kind of vulgar way, I absolutely believe that is trash and judge accordingly. Becoming a parent and trying to raise kids the right way changed my perspective there, I give no quarter.
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