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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. I asked this earlier, but how long until one of the violent offenders he pardoned or commuted commits another violent crime?
  2. Violent offenses included in those pardoned and commuted.
  3. This is the media criticism thread lol
  4. Exclusive: Trump administration canceling flights for nearly 1,660 Afghan refugees, say U.S official, advocate
  5. They sure know how to pick 'em lol
  6. I agree with this, although it'd be nice if this feeling were reciprocated by a lot of conservative-leaning people who, at least in my experience, have no problem trashing people with experiences that don't match theirs.
  7. I've lived almost my entire life in conservative areas, including growing up in a town that gave Trump 70% of the vote and currently in a county that gave him 64%. I respect people regardless of who they voted for, and even know and socialize with quite a few people who voted differently than me. But on expressing support in that kind of vulgar way, I absolutely believe that is trash and judge accordingly. Becoming a parent and trying to raise kids the right way changed my perspective there, I give no quarter.
  8. Personally do not care about the flags, but the **** Biden flags are an exception.... I have a six year old son and if someone advertises that on their flagpole, then yeah, I feel fine calling someone trash for that.
  9. As far as I can tell, this video shows him doing it, just from a different angle. Not clear what this is supposed to prove.
  10. So uncontroversial... Not clear why he would edit that out 🤔
  11. Believe whatever makes you happy, but I know what I saw. The fact that he did it *twice* makes it pretty clear.
  12. All very predictable and formulaic, as has been demonstrated here
  13. Even setting aside the "Heil Hitler"-esque salute, we got CNN out there assigning him to an entity that literally does not exist.
  14. Apparently Trump is now not only pardoning non-violent J6ers, but is also commuting the sentences of the J6ers convicted of serious offenses. So if any of the latter group are released and commit violent crimes, it stands to reason that Trump should be held personally responsible
  15. Imagine being so excited by the new President that you spend the first hour and half.... *checks notes* bitching about the last official act of the last President.
  16. If supporters of President Trump are concerned about the executive pardon power, they are free to call their Rep or Senators and have them urge the new President to work on a bill that would curb the power of the pardon. I'd bet it would even have Democratic support (I'd be supportive of it personally). Somehow, I doubt President Trump would be interested in pursuing that though lol
  17. Hang it in the Louvre
  18. Something to keep in mind with the natural disaster stuff.... his BS doesn't work.
  19. He's now officially failed on that promise, given that he said he'd end it before he was swore in.
  20. The move to "blue ribbon commission" this for the time being is more or less confirms that what a lot of us have been saying isn't "whining" but reality IMO I have a furnace and AC that will need to be replaced in a few years, a washer and dryer that are aging, not to mention that weekly trips to the grocery store to worry about, etc. I'd imagine we all do.... I'd rather not have to pay out the nose because of **** policy, so this is welcome news.
  21. Frankly, I'd respect certain folks a bit more if they would just admit that they don't care when Trump does stuff that's wildly corrupt or norm breaking instead of all of this feigned "concern" or whatever. At least that would be honest.
  22. Pretty much anybody that purchases consumer goods should not be hoping for the kinds of tariffs ya boy is proposing.
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