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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. It's gonna sound harsh, but the same is true for those who simp for these guys the hardest.
  2. Not a psychiatrist, but he exhibits all the hallmark traits of being a narcissist. And narcissists are generally miserable people (IYKYK)
  3. I don't like the precedent being set either, but given Trump's own words about using DOJ to go after his enemies, as well as his own use of the pardon and commutation power in the past (ie. Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, etc. possibly J6 defendants and convicts in the future), concerns about precedents ring pretty hollow coming from an enthusiastic Trump supporter.
  4. No one doubts that lol
  5. Ahh yes, pointing out a spelling error is "violence"... Get a grip
  6. It's going to be 26 degrees at noon in DC... Kennedy was sworn in single digit temps iirc. Not sure what Trump's excuse is.
  7. What is "inaguartion"?
  8. Stein provided some additional context that it's a 10 year projection, but still point stands. What doesn't make any sense at all is that he pitches these tariffs as a means to generate revenue, yet the whole point of tariffs is to impact or curb imports (which, of successful, would curb the amount taken in). Seems like a really terrible method to rely on to raise revenues. Just incoherent argle bargle all around
  9. I'm sure that will lower costs.... /s
  10. Emphasis on *trying*.... because I have no clue what he's getting at.
  11. Has less to do with the source of the pork and more to do with the "oh, just go buy this instead" **** that you used to lecture others about during 2022-2023. Your guy won.... he caught the car. This is on his docket now, it's his responsibility. Don't be surprised if people aren't happy when his presence doesn't magically mean lower prices.
  12. Old enough to remember when you would come on and lecture people for comments like this a couple of years ago....
  13. I don't want to downplay some of the other political issues at hand that have received a large amount of coverage, but with a lot of the issues / controversies that have come up within this transition period (particularly his rambling about Greenland and Panama and what not), the question I keep coming back to how any of it helps with the thing that the voters responded to the most in the 2024 election: costs. All evidence during this transition period suggests to me that the incoming administration doesn't have their eye on the ball when it comes to costs, or even the challenges that are impacting costs. They'd literally rather talk about any other subject.
  14. Yup, to the extent that Trump has weighed in on these issues, his pick of RFK Jr. is the extent of him weighing in.
  15. Trump is being inaugurated tomorrow after winning an election that turned more than anything else on the cost of consumer goods. Bird flu, as well as issues related to climate, are all on the docket for his administration to deal with. All of which impact the cost of consumer goods, particularly agricultural goods. I'm curious whether he has any plans to deal with any of these things given that his comments, as well as that of his transition team, have been primarily focused on transgender issues and immigration as far as I can tell
  16. Anything from Trump on this?
  17. Meanwhile 36% express a favorable view of he GOP... which is really no better? You keep sharing these polls and using them to spike the football when they all kinda show that the GOP / Trump aren't really well liked either. Weird
  18. Me neither tbh
  19. The amount of times that you reference this last election and say "but Kamala"... suggests otherwise
  20. Put another way, if the incoming administration acts like the problem is "DEI" when, in reality, the problem is just with the "E"... It's not hard to see where issues could arise
  21. I use the term "thermostatic reaction" a lot, but this is a perfect example where the incoming administration, by ignoring that relative acceptance of diversity and inclusion, is absolutely susceptible to overreach and backlash. Most people aren't Stephen Miller or view the world like him, yet he will be a major voice in this administration.
  22. He may be around for it for all we know, but he's a lame duck who will never have to worry about it regardless. The MAGAs are irrelevant, its the middle of the electorate that matters. (Ie. The people that voted for him even if they couldn't stand him) Don't be surprised, like Trump v1.0 and Biden, if he loses support as time goes on from these sorts of people when things don't go to plan
  23. It's really telling how little they have talked about the economy since 11/6, that's all I'm gonna say
  24. Because, to paraphrase James Carville, it's all about the economy stupid.
  25. Issues that are bad for Trump are irrelevant, issues perceived as good for Trump are the only ones that matter Rinse, recycle, repeat
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