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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Schnucks... Based around St. Louis but also with a bunch of locations in Downstate Illinois
  2. Boom boom boss man got involved and *checks notes* caused my 401K to nosedive lol
  3. Lutnick is really underplayed on the "Worst Cabinet Members" list.... what a ghoul
  4. Getting real Manchurian Candidate vibes out of this Presidency...
  5. Charles hosting him at Sandringham (and not complaining about his attire) was noteworthy as well... normally state visits are Buckingham Palace only
  6. Imagine watching the last few days and thinking that it's Zelensky that needs to lift a finger to do something Our hubris as a nation is going to be our downfall
  7. They all ought to skip.
  8. He's been conspicuously absent lately....
  9. It honestly could be a geographical thing too... Midwest flocks have been hit pretty hard by bird flu, NE may have access to better poultry markets for imports, etc.
  10. That's pretty good.... those New England chickens must have strong immune systems!
  11. What a bunch of weak, insecure little babies...
  12. 8.99 at Jewel this morning... Over $12 for an 18 count. Aldi's has them below $7, but barely
  13. Yup, and government workers, when they are off the job, use their salaries to eat at restaurants, drink at bars, go to the movies, buy cars, etc. All of which is economic activity that reflects in GDP. Just monumentally stupid stuff from our Tech Overlord
  14. This has to be one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen
  15. In general, way too many people underestimate how much pride is a motivator for other countries. And overestimate how much Trump's bullying tactics would cause others to merely fold and bend to his will.
  16. I keep saying it, but we have up to this point been the most powerful country in the world in large part because of our roles internationally. And these guys all just want to slink away and pull back from all of that. They are making us a poorer and weaker country over the long term, and will eventually make us a pariah state if they keep it up.
  17. "We'll be respected again," he said lol
  18. Even by this standard, it's not clear to me the degree to which other countries even fear him. Outside of Colombia (and even that is debatable), everyone who has ended up crossways with him thus far has ignored him or told his administration to pound sand.
  19. The Australian, Daily Mail and Daily Express have picked up the Haltbakk Bunkers story. Not sure why other larger publications haven't picked it up and, with the way that the mainstream media in this country have covered this administration, not clear that they'd make it an issue anyway
  20. https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/norwegian-fuel-supplier-refuses-u-s-warships-over-ukraine/
  21. I'm a bit biased since he's my Governor, but the parallels between the origins of FDR and JB Pritzker (Govs of large states, technocratic in governance, uber wealthy yet class traitors) I find interesting. I don't know that he has the juice for it, and obviously is not the most photogenic option (compared to a Wes Moore), but he's for sure in the mix.
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