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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Also easier said than done given how much people's identities are set these days. Trump's impeachments are a great example: the facts and the case never would have mattered. With a few exceptions, the only thing that mattered was tribal identities. That's it.
  2. It has to be strictly based on that lineage and ethnicity. I just think culturally (setting aside Presidential politics) they are radically different places. At least from my experience.
  3. We are way too polarized for impeachment to carry much weight anymore. The second Trump one, which was the most bipartisan in history and a slam dunk on the merits, was the nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned.
  4. I mean, there were Republicans who wanted to impeach Obama on day one too. I know a few.
  5. Migration patterns in the 1800s... Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois are filled with towns named by settlers who came from places from Upstate New York. The maps take on Appalachia is absolute horseshit tho. West Texas has very little in common with West Virginia.
  6. Cable news sucks in general. It's too opinion and personality driven.
  7. Truly shocking. /s
  8. Facebook sucks, Exhibit 1000000
  9. No shit... Madden seems about the least political man on the face of the earth. He should be congratulated for it
  10. You're beginning to sound like that fella who used to be on the old board 😉
  11. Jim Cramer: The Chuck Todd of Wall Street
  12. Here's the full context clip, folks.
  13. Reminds me of the "non partisan" types who decry the lack of civility in political discourse from the left while being silent or ignoring it from the far right.
  14. Considering how the leadup to Christmas was covered by the media, that headline is legit shocking.
  15. Just my two cents, but I think Wasserman and the other redistricting gurus underestimated the degree to which GOP mapmakers would draw lines to shore up incumbents versus going on offense. Certainly the case in Texas.... they could have maybe squeezed a few more seats out of the maps at the federal and state levels, but they would have left themselves vulnerable later in bad cycles should trends around DFW/Austin/Houston continue.
  16. That's politics, Suzyn! Seriously, listen to any debate on health care or tax policy or foreign policy during the Trump years, and you'll hear a whole raft of reflexive opinions. Particularly with regard to health care, where it seemed many opinions against the ACA had to do with whose administration the law was born under than the actual substance of the bill
  17. Did NYT Pitchbot back the Axios twitter account? Lol
  18. Correct. And speaking from experience, the second sentence tends to be disregarded with prejudice. Despite the fact that there is a lot of evidence that outcomes tend to be better with a vaccine versus without.
  19. It likely prevents symptoms from even appearing for some. Seems important?
  20. There are a lot of examples of media navel gazing, but the Harper's Letter may be the best example. Normal people don't have time for that ****
  21. Something something cancel culture something something.
  22. Says the guy who thinks Alex Berenson is any more reliable than any Joe Schmo sitting at the end of the bar.
  23. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/oct/29/alex-berenson/covid-19-death-rate-england-much-higher-among-unva/ I'm sure this constitutes an ad hominem as well.
  24. I'm gonna go ahead and ignore it because I don't need Alex Berenson to tell me what to think about things.
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