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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Yeah, there was definitely planning around what happened. That doesn't mean that every single person who showed up was involved in the planning, but you'll never convince me that the entire event was spontaneous...
  2. All the focus on the money, when it was more about the years lol I really can't blame them for not wanting to give Correa 10 years....
  3. I dont know how either of these things are inconsistent with the idea that an insurrection took place on 1/6. If anything, a lot has come out since then (such as the power point) that has bolstered the case that the folks at the top were more serious about overturning the election result and installing Trump than I had realized.
  4. Also an example of how every culture war issue on the Bird machine maybe doesn't deserve a response at all.
  5. The thing about the players is that, compared to the owners, they are much less monolithic a group. You got some like the Scherzers who make a massive amount of money, while there are many others who play closer to the average lifespan of six years who don't make anywhere near that. And I just get the sense in these conversations is that when many say "the players", the Scherzers are the poster child, not the average ballplayer. I'm not losing any sleep over the Scherzers, but I do think the guys on the lower end have a case to make.
  6. Something Something Bill Clinton Something Something
  7. The fact that the previous administration delivered so much scandal so frequently had the effect of pushing the "outrageous, yet relatively mundane" stuff (such as the fact that Donald Trump spent four years tweeting using an unsecured device) into the background. With respect to Politico jumping Kamala on her skepticism of Bluetooth, after the previous administration, I just don't have a lot of tolerance for that kinda "tan suit" bullshit.
  8. I'm good with criticism of Biden when he deserves criticism. And there are issues: immigration, the speed with which they are dealing with supply chain disruptions, etc. The big problem I have with the media coverage of Biden is pretty well captured by that Politico post I shared about Kamala Harris / bluetooth... There's a zeal on parts of the "mainstream media" to not only find issues where they don't exist, but in the case of the above, just flat out not do any research as to why Harris may take a stance that she does. That's hackery at its worst, it's happened with some frequency during this administration, and in the case of the above, I can't help but compare with the relative ambivalence these same folks had toward data security exhibited during the previous administration, where the principal couldn't go five minutes without his phone.
  9. That would be a first 😆
  10. I didn't realize that being leery of Bluetooth was politically scandalous, but here we are
  11. I'm OK with Morris not being in the Hall.
  12. I will say that, perusing social media, a lot of his contemporaries think he should be there (Carew, Jim Palmer, etc). Obviously true if he was selected through this process. Must be his longevity I guess... he seems borderline to me based on the stat sheet.
  13. I would add that it's the one political issue where requisite knowledge is often treated as a requirement to opine, at least by some. Because people comment on Healthcare, taxes, monetary policy all the time without knowing what the fuck they are talking about.
  14. Jim Kaat?!? Hall of Famer? Crazy
  15. Dan Miller practicing for a future Super Bowl run here lol
  16. Unbelievable
  17. Community is on edge right now... just terrible
  18. Bouchard has to be the last of the Oakland County Good 'Ol Boys standing, right?
  19. I take back all the bad thing I've said about Jon Heyman lolol
  20. If history is any indicator, the jobs numbers will end up revised significantly next month.
  21. It's too bad all they are gonna get is involuntary manslaughter. That's all I can say
  22. G2 actually touched on this yesterday, but yeah, the question of skillset that ballplayers have is an important one and whether they have translatable skills for post-retirement. Especially the ones with just a high school education. Like, once they retire, what kind of employment can they attain? I'm assuming most, despite making a dramatically higher annual salary compared to the average person during their careers, are not going to be wealthy enough to just not work a day for the rest of their lives. Just logically, that reality I think magnifies the need to maximize value.
  23. It's definitely all about business.... the players, like anyone working any job, are trying to maximize their value. It's not that hard to figure out. What sort of grinded my gears at times during the debate yesterday is that the job of a player is without risk.... that's just a tremendous amount of bullshit. Not every major leaguer was drafted in the first round and signs a big contract, a lot of these guys defer a lot of earning potential and live off very little (perhaps even taking on debt) to get through the minor leagues. Within that context, I'm not shocked that players are going to fight for every dollar they can in a multi-billion dollar enterprise... it's completely rational.
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