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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. I can imagine an executive for a large gun manufacturer saying this without a shred of irony...
  2. The fact literally came out in the article that ewsieg posted. Still doesn't make it acceptable
  3. One thing is for certain, though... they'd bring in the scabs and still charge the same rates for tickets, beer, merchandise, etc.
  4. Not to mention Bud Selig... somehow Manfred is worse!
  5. Maybe Willi Castro can file a class-action lawsuit...
  6. I'd be more receptive of this argument if states like mine weren't busy eliminating existing regulations on guns (as I mentioned before).
  7. As opposed to Archie's world, where everyone who doesn't agree 100% is a gun grabber? Maybe, just maybe, the only two options in this debate aren't "unfettered access to guns" and "eliminate all the guns".
  8. Definitely. One thing I would suggest is that part of the fundamental disagreement on this thread also boils down to whether one sees the issue of minor league compensation intrinsically linked with MLB compensation piece, or whether they are just compartmentalized issues. I would tell you right now that I'd probably have a little less sympathy for the players if most of them didn't have to sacrifice so much on the front end of their careers in order to get to where they have gotten. I think there is a lot of sacrifice, I don't believe that, paraphrasing JBK, they all get massive preferential treatment in school or have significant support systems to help them as they advance. I'm sure a few do, but many (especially foreign born players) likely do not. Just given all of that, I just don't blame players for trying to maximize their value. I really don't.
  9. This is the point that I was trying to get at in my last post. I have no doubt that there are MLB players in the league today who me, average person with average engineering job at in my low 30s, will outearn over the course of my lifetime. Not even including any earnings on 401k or other retirement compensation. And yeah, that doesn't even get at the ones who don't ever get out of the minor leagues.
  10. You mean fans don't just show up at Comerica to watch Chris I count his money?
  11. Forget the fans, there's probably another Steve Cohen (Dan Gilbert?) who would take them if the Ilitches wanted out.
  12. Another thing I don't get about those who hate the players for trying to maximize their value is how people sort of ignore the whole service time aspect of it. The average MLB ballplayer plays for 5.6 years, at least as of 2007 (maybe it has evolved). Do I make less money annually as an engineer than a ballplayer does? Yes. But I'm also gonna be able to work upward of 40 years in my career. Hell, I'll probably make more money in my 40 year career than some MLB ballplayers do in their big league careers. So again, with the sacrifices made (with many who make sacrifices who don't ever make it to the big leagues) and the limited timespan of an average MLB career, I don't blame any of them for maximizing their value. Not one bit.
  13. You really think this is the case for every MLB ballplayer? Really?
  14. I just recently started a new job. It was even remotely as risky as the decisions that someone like Jose Cisnero likely had to make to play baseball. It just wasn't.
  15. You realize that there are a decent amount of major league baseball players who don't make millions, right? I don't think you can have a conversation about the earnings of major league baseball players without discussing the fact that these guys were all once minor leaguers and, a majority of them, had to defer salary doing normal jobs and do things like living with host families in order to accommodate their pursuit of the big leagues. Hit the "laugh" button all you want, those are risks.
  16. Here's the thing about the players: aside from the fact that most of these guys aren't making $10 million or more, they are also doing a career that has a limited lifespan as well. Take Jose Cisnero. He had his big payday in 2021, making $970k, and will get a bump in pay in 2022, but aside from the earlier seasons in the league (with Houston) and his first couple of seasons in Detroit, wasn't drawing a ML salary between 2015 and 2019. Wasn't it a risk for someone like him to keep competing at lower levels in order for another chance at the big leagues after his first stint?
  17. They also have Javy in a Tigers hat.... it all happened folks!
  18. Also, it's a pretty ridiculous statement to say that players take no risk. Think about the guys on the bottom.... not the Carlos Correas of the world, but the guys who slug it out in the Minor Leagues making not much only to get to bigs. The sacrifices that these guys on the lower level are making *are* risks.... often times, people are deferring money they could be making doing normal jobs in order to pursue this line of work. Sometimes I just think these conversations ignore how many guys in the league actually had to make sacrifices in order to get to where they are. Not every player in baseball was drafted in the first round and had it handed to them.
  19. The players take a risk with their health (and future earning potential) every time they step on the field. Not to mention that they are the ones that allow for fans to show up and make money for the teams.
  20. Definitely on labor's side here... there seems to be a growing chasm between the elite players and those who are mid-level ballplayers and I understand the frustration. In terms of the length, it probably takes out pat of Spring Training but games will start on time. I have a hard time believing, in the day and age of social media, that this league wants the black eye of missing games. But then again, with Manfred in charge.... lol
  21. Isn't part of the problem that comments from Archie about the importance of safely handling weapons aren't being matched by public policy more broadly? My state just became a Constitutional Carry state during this recent legislature... no need for a Concealed Carry permit or training, just carry it as you please. I'm not familiar with Michigan's laws, but I'd be surprised if there weren't a significant subset of the state GOP who would love to adopt such a law as well. I take Archie at face value that he believes in proper training and handling of a weapon, but in a country of 330m, the honor system ain't gonna cut it - it needs to be reflected in policy. If anything, we are going backward on that front.
  22. People still drive drunk, therefore we should just get a rid of DUIs.
  23. In terms of 5th starter options left on the market, does Grienke have enough left in the tank or is he spent at this point?
  24. For what its worth
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