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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Can Miggy handle recruiting after retirement too? Lol
  2. The "Field of Dreams" game was the one that looked off to me. Balls were just flying.
  3. "How dare the Auschwitz Museum call out my trivializing of Mengele's actions for means of political point scoring!"
  4. Another Fetter project lol
  5. Come on. I'm not saying don't spend money on metal detectors, I'm saying that they aren't a substitute for addressing the actual, bigger problem. Which isn't gonna happen because nobody seems particularly interested in fixing it. This is why I generally have been avoiding these debates... nothing will change. We'll just get more of the status quo.
  6. We have a federal government that, for years, has struggled to renew basic and uncontroversial things like the highway trust fund before their expiration date - there isn't a world where anything is being done on this issue. Didn't Michigan Cardinal just share a study that suggested that metal detectors are largely ineffective?
  7. Again, these are all just red herrings to ignore the 1000 lb gorilla in the room. It's really hard for me to get worked up about this shit, sad as it is, because this playbook is as old as watching the Detroit Lions F it up on Sundays. We'll sit here and argue for a couple of weeks, the anti-gun regulation folks will talk about their concern about mental health and video games (which will be backed up with zero policy action or money because it's all nebulous talk to run out the clock on the debate) and then, once the debate subsides, we'll wait for the next one, where the cycle begins anew. It's been going since at least Columbine, and I see no reason why it won't continue.
  8. So to recap: Everything but the guns are to blame for mass shootings.
  9. "You make light of these things", says the guy blaming everything but the gun for mass shootings.
  10. Happy Birthday Javy! lol
  11. I doubt that Baez' contract were laid out with Kreidler in mind, but if he is the real deal, the opt-out makes even more sense. Also interesting to think about Schoop's future as well.... maybe trade bait if Kreidler performs?
  12. I get where ATF is coming from in that there were some rather surprising performances (ie. Grossman, Baddoo, maybe even Candy to an extent) that may not necessarily be replicated next year. On the other hand, they aren't gonna be trotting out Willi Castro and Niko Goodrum at short stop and adding the two youngsters, even if they are green, are gonna be net additions to the existing lineup. Maybe upwards of 3 WAR As for how they grade out, I don't think they are gonna be the worst lineup in the American League... that's probably gonna be Oakland and Baltimore. I do think they are still in the lower half though, depending on how the youngsters progress
  13. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/his-swing-remade-tigers-prospect-ryan-kreidler-is-now-dangerous-in-the-box/ FanGraphs appears to be jumping on the Ryan Kreidler-for-Future HOF hype train!
  14. This may be a bit homerish, but he also gets to play with Miguel Cabrera, who has been known to help other hitters in their development (ie. JD, Nick). Maybe that influence will have some marginal help as well
  15. Literally everything led to this!* *Except for the guns
  16. I just wish that, instead of trotting out the same old lines time and again, some people would be intellectually honest and just admit that they are comfortable with the status quo. Just own it and move on.
  17. If there were a mass shooting drinking game where "providing nebulous bullshit response that can't be dealt with through public policy" equated to one drink, how long until somebody passes out? Maybe an hour? Two? I just think all the "coddling of the mind" bullshit is just an excuse to not talk about the 1000 pound gorilla in the room. It's as predictable as a Sunday of Lions football at this point.
  18. In terms of arming school teachers, it would also likely push (even more) teachers away from the profession. Setting aside the illogical nature of it, I can't wrap my head around how the idea of solving the problem by making more people carry weapons is acceptable. Some of us maybe would like to live in a world where carrying a gun everywhere isn't a requirement.
  19. I wonder if there are any lawsuits to be had by those he exposed.
  20. It's not going to happen, but it's also yet another impeachable offense that happened on his watch. As for his budding 2024 campaign, the Ds oughtta make him wear the shit out of this report. His actions around that debate may be one of the primary reasons he lost.
  21. Mental health, bullying, metal detectors. Its all part of the playbook, its all about flooding the zone with bullshit that is either too nebulous to be handled through policy or pushing improvements that are, at best, less effective than actually taking on the problem. I'm saddened by this latest shooting, but I'm wore down. Nothing will change... when Parkland came and went, that became clear.
  22. Nothing surprises me anymore lol
  23. They were up till 3:45 this morning, but them some slack lol
  24. I was listening to one of the national podcasts earlier and they were criticizing the deal because of the opt out. I dont get it... if he performs well and you want to keep him, maybe you restructure or renegotiate at year two. If he starts to regress and exercises his option years 3-6, it's still manageable and it expires earlier than a 10 year contract would. The team can manage that kinda deal IMO
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