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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. I thought it was interesting that the Dem LG / AG are running ahead of their R Challengers and ahead of TMac by 3-5 points in that WaPo poll. Leads me to believe that at least some of his struggles are self-inflicted. Environment is certainly part of it (economy isn't doing well, Biden's approvals are down, inflation, etc.), but TMac has really run a shitty campaign. I think, as a Dem, you have to play the Trump card, but I think he's done way too much of it at the expense of the fact that he actually has a relatively good record to run on as a former Governor.
  2. Tigers have had history dealing with Boras.... I don't know that it makes it any more or less likely, although I'd prefer they look at Correa, Seager or Story first.
  3. Particular to baseball, the fact that there isn't halftime or intermissions makes the panels pretty useless. I'll sometimes watch halftime or intermission in the other sports (as a sort of captive audience), but I'm not showing up for the panel in pregame. So it's easy to miss the panel in baseball. With the Tigers, since MLB.TV has started running post-games, I'll sometimes watch after a Tiger game to see AJ's remarks. But that's about it.
  4. It's absolutely fair to investigate what happened here and, as needed, for indictments to be issued. In general, my initial post was more about partisan journalists who couldn't even wait for Halyna Hutchins to reach room temperature before making shitty political humor out of it. It's pretty ghoulish and cynical.
  5. Wouldn't you agree, by that same token, that if it were Don Jr. and people were cracking jokes hours after someone died, the Archies of the world would be crying foul? The right behavior shouldn't be predicated on situation or who was involved... that's the biggest issue I have with it.
  6. How long will Morton's injury sideline him? That'd be my only concern
  7. Jan. 6th: Overblown and no big deal, yet also a false flag perpetrated by agitators
  8. In Atlanta's defense, they have played stellar ball since the deadline. Certainly better than 88-73 ball. But yeah, it doesn't matter which of these teams prevails, just because they do doesn't in and of itself make them the best team in baseball.
  9. Well, that escalated quickly...
  10. I haven't watched cable news regularly for multiple years now. Definitely one of the better decisions I've ever made. The big thing is the business model - it all runs on outrage, which the need to draw ratings and make money. Just better to cut that shit out and stick with print journalism (particularly local) or even local-TV news...
  11. Can some tell me how "They Called Themselves the KKK" ended up on the blacklist? What's the objection there?
  12. Beginning to think all the talk about "snowflakes" and "safe spaces" was all projection all along.
  13. We've come a long way from Dr. Seuss lol
  14. So, are we doing predictions or what? Astros in 6
  15. I tend to think that's common in a lot of suburban areas though.... there was hardly any visible Trump support during 2020 in my neighborhood, although there were plenty of signs for other GOP pols (ie. local State Reps). I can only assume that almost all these people voted for Trump anyway despite not putting his sign out. I guess what I'm getting at with my comments on this issue is this: one thing the association of the mainstream media with liberalism misses is that GOP consultants do a really good job of leading coverage in a lot of these publications.... specific to Virginia, we saw this with MS-13 four years ago, and the education discussion surrounding this election seems similar. That's not to say that TMac isn't vulnerable or can't lose (obviously, the polls show a close race), I just think that the focus on these particular issues and how they play in NoVa is gives Josh Kraushaar and Jonathan Martin types more to write about than "Candidate from President's Party Struggles in Tough Mid-Term Environment"
  16. Yeah, I saw the map.... didn't realize the South Side and Braidwood were communities of interest lol
  17. It may not be that bad in reality because of some of the decisions that some state GOPs have made (particularly Texas, who went with more of an incumbent protection map than trying to squeeze out additional seats). But a lot will depend on how aggressive states like Illinois and NY are and, conversely, Florida and NC on the R side.
  18. Watching from afar, I can't tell how much of the broader conversation about education in the VA GOV race is real and how much of it is the GOP consultant class flooding the zone for national political pundits (most of whom live in DC Metro and have additional interest in the race because it's in their backyard)... to an extent, we saw the same dynamic four years ago with the MS-13 stuff. I do think TMac is in some trouble, though he's still favored to pull it out.... I just suspect that it has more to do with the national environment surrounding COVID (which is having an impact on Biden's polling) than it does any of this CRT shit.
  19. It's become almost cliche, but as Yeats said, "the best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passionate intensity"
  20. When the news about his death being ruled natural causes came out, I found it disturbing how invested people who were downplaying the events of 1/6 were about it As if the fact that he was bear sprayed and beaten somehow made it more acceptable
  21. No shit. Personally, I have an expectation of zero deaths or property damage during the Certification of an Election. But maybe my standards are just too high
  22. You realize that people are complex enough to be able to worry about issues with the supply chain or foreign policy concerns or whatnot while still being alarmed about what happened on January 6th right?
  23. He may be suggesting that the front office may have some input on in-game pitching decisions....
  24. This is a really good point. He literally asked Raffensperger to throw out 11,781 votes (one more than the margin) and give him the win. It wasn't subtle at all. He was trying deny agency to those in Georgia who voted for someone else. I dont know why there would be an expectation of legitimacy surrounding the former President should he have somehow remained in office through methods like this.
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