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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Yeah, I saw the map.... didn't realize the South Side and Braidwood were communities of interest lol
  2. It may not be that bad in reality because of some of the decisions that some state GOPs have made (particularly Texas, who went with more of an incumbent protection map than trying to squeeze out additional seats). But a lot will depend on how aggressive states like Illinois and NY are and, conversely, Florida and NC on the R side.
  3. Watching from afar, I can't tell how much of the broader conversation about education in the VA GOV race is real and how much of it is the GOP consultant class flooding the zone for national political pundits (most of whom live in DC Metro and have additional interest in the race because it's in their backyard)... to an extent, we saw the same dynamic four years ago with the MS-13 stuff. I do think TMac is in some trouble, though he's still favored to pull it out.... I just suspect that it has more to do with the national environment surrounding COVID (which is having an impact on Biden's polling) than it does any of this CRT shit.
  4. It's become almost cliche, but as Yeats said, "the best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passionate intensity"
  5. When the news about his death being ruled natural causes came out, I found it disturbing how invested people who were downplaying the events of 1/6 were about it As if the fact that he was bear sprayed and beaten somehow made it more acceptable
  6. No shit. Personally, I have an expectation of zero deaths or property damage during the Certification of an Election. But maybe my standards are just too high
  7. You realize that people are complex enough to be able to worry about issues with the supply chain or foreign policy concerns or whatnot while still being alarmed about what happened on January 6th right?
  8. He may be suggesting that the front office may have some input on in-game pitching decisions....
  9. This is a really good point. He literally asked Raffensperger to throw out 11,781 votes (one more than the margin) and give him the win. It wasn't subtle at all. He was trying deny agency to those in Georgia who voted for someone else. I dont know why there would be an expectation of legitimacy surrounding the former President should he have somehow remained in office through methods like this.
  10. It won't happen, but if it's confirmed, all of these members should be expelled from Congress.
  11. Just want to make it clear that I hated the Tomahawk chop long before it became a political statement to hate the Tomahawk chop
  12. My controversial opinion is that these are two really good teams and I want a good series that goes seven games. Regardless of politics.
  13. So basically, you agree with Archie. Or you hate America. Hard to have a good faith debate on those terms.
  14. Great. But when you call people anti-American, don't be surprised if people are less willing to engage with you. Enough said.
  15. Is it fair to assume that you regard anyone who dares disagree with you as anti-American? It's really going to be hard to have a good faith political discussion with you on just about anything if that's the case.
  16. Ftfy
  17. Answer: Trump Endorsed Him.... Next...
  18. Stacey Abrams (who I recall opposing the boycott, fwiw) appears to live rent free in his head.
  19. Snitker Bowl I lol
  20. A lot of it comes down to Houston's young starters... If Framber and Luis Garcia pitch with the sort of effectiveness they had at the end of the series against the Sox, they'll be hard to beat... if they look more like they did at the beginning of the ALCS, Braves will have an edge. This will also be a test for the Braves pitching staff... at the moment, Houston is in a lot better place offensively than Milwaukee and LA were. In order to be the best, they'll have to keep them in check. There's a lot of apathy around both teams for a variety of reasons, but in terms of on the field talent and match-ups and quality of baseball, it should be a great series.
  21. Also, LOL at Archie bringing up hypothetical violence if courts would have set aside legitimate election results when supporters of the losing candidate had an actual violent riot at the Capitol on 1/6.
  22. Go Astros, I guess lol
  23. Alternatively, have you considered that all the lawsuits were lost because they, in fact, didn't prove the existence of widespread voter fraud? I remember at least one specific instance (in PA) where Rudy G was saying one thing to the public on voter fraud yet changed his tune when under oath (ie. ask risk of perjuring himself). There were probably others at the time as well. Just because a case doesn't go your way doesn't mean there's some other reason for it other than your side had a bad case.
  24. These results are pretty fascinating because they basically contradict a lot of polling crosstabs of Hispanics prior to the CA Recall, as well as initial looks at county level swings. Worth looking at even though it challenges the conventional wisdom to an extent.
  25. There were upwards of 50 lawsuits, along with numerous recounts and audits that have been completed since this last election. And they have all not found any evidence of widespread voter fraud or irregularities. It's inconvenient for some, I get that some folks are starting from a conclusion and working backward instead of the other way around. But that's just reality
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