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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. It won't happen, but if it's confirmed, all of these members should be expelled from Congress.
  2. Just want to make it clear that I hated the Tomahawk chop long before it became a political statement to hate the Tomahawk chop
  3. My controversial opinion is that these are two really good teams and I want a good series that goes seven games. Regardless of politics.
  4. So basically, you agree with Archie. Or you hate America. Hard to have a good faith debate on those terms.
  5. Great. But when you call people anti-American, don't be surprised if people are less willing to engage with you. Enough said.
  6. Is it fair to assume that you regard anyone who dares disagree with you as anti-American? It's really going to be hard to have a good faith political discussion with you on just about anything if that's the case.
  7. Ftfy
  8. Answer: Trump Endorsed Him.... Next...
  9. Stacey Abrams (who I recall opposing the boycott, fwiw) appears to live rent free in his head.
  10. Snitker Bowl I lol
  11. A lot of it comes down to Houston's young starters... If Framber and Luis Garcia pitch with the sort of effectiveness they had at the end of the series against the Sox, they'll be hard to beat... if they look more like they did at the beginning of the ALCS, Braves will have an edge. This will also be a test for the Braves pitching staff... at the moment, Houston is in a lot better place offensively than Milwaukee and LA were. In order to be the best, they'll have to keep them in check. There's a lot of apathy around both teams for a variety of reasons, but in terms of on the field talent and match-ups and quality of baseball, it should be a great series.
  12. Also, LOL at Archie bringing up hypothetical violence if courts would have set aside legitimate election results when supporters of the losing candidate had an actual violent riot at the Capitol on 1/6.
  13. Go Astros, I guess lol
  14. Alternatively, have you considered that all the lawsuits were lost because they, in fact, didn't prove the existence of widespread voter fraud? I remember at least one specific instance (in PA) where Rudy G was saying one thing to the public on voter fraud yet changed his tune when under oath (ie. ask risk of perjuring himself). There were probably others at the time as well. Just because a case doesn't go your way doesn't mean there's some other reason for it other than your side had a bad case.
  15. These results are pretty fascinating because they basically contradict a lot of polling crosstabs of Hispanics prior to the CA Recall, as well as initial looks at county level swings. Worth looking at even though it challenges the conventional wisdom to an extent.
  16. There were upwards of 50 lawsuits, along with numerous recounts and audits that have been completed since this last election. And they have all not found any evidence of widespread voter fraud or irregularities. It's inconvenient for some, I get that some folks are starting from a conclusion and working backward instead of the other way around. But that's just reality
  17. Just checking, where did you get your MD again?
  18. I tend to agree. I do think they have been slow to respond and that they need to fix it, but he didn't cause the supply chain issues; Covid did.
  19. I would add that I've not met a single person who doesn't believe there is inflation in the market. Democratic or Republican. The issue is that there is a debate as to what the primary driver of the inflation. Is it an issue of monetary policy, is it a lack of supply, or is it a little of both? Unsurprisingly, Republicans (who pretend to hate government debt when the Dems are in the Presidency) tend to think its a monetary policy issue, while others think that the supply chain is driving it. Either way, Joe Biden is the President and he will have to fix it or face political consequences. But there is a legitimate discussion to be had on what is driving it beyond who is sitting in the Oval Office.
  20. I kind dispute your characterization of some of the bulletpoints. Particularly on foreign policy where, if anything, Biden is taking a harder line on China, for instance. (See his comments on Taiwan the other night). Having said that, you do realize that one could believe exactly as you do on all five bullets and simultaneously think that claims made on election security by Trump and his allies are total bullshit right? Or do you have to toe the party line on every single little thing to be a real conservative?
  21. Josh should seek professional help... the voices in his head appear to be getting to him
  22. Following along with Germany's most recent election(which requires coalition forming in order to set up a government), it is hard not to come to the conclusion our system for electing a President is pretty bad.
  23. Generally, it's the job of a person taking a position on an issue to go through the effort of defending that position.
  24. I saw a tweet yesterday that the WI Assembly Speaker's response to a non-partisan audit that found no fraud and issues with machines was that it improved we "need more investigation" Basically, "the audits will continue until we get the answer we want"
  25. You're no fun! lol
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