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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Who can't be happy for Dusty Baker right now?
  2. Kyle Tucker about seals the deal...
  3. Yordan Alvarez has to be the ALCS MVP if they hold on... he's been on fire
  4. Meanwhoile, Luis Garcia putting up gooseeggs so far in Houston...
  5. Also, what does Dick Cheney shooting the guy in the face have to do with a member of the media showing their ass in this particular situation? The only way it seems relevant is to interject a whataboutism. Which should be taken as an endorsement of the writer's comment IMO
  6. NBC or SNL have said that they don't care about the lady who was shot and killed in New Mexico?
  7. I'll take your whataboutism as a signal that you believe it is a-OK to crack jokes about a situation that left a woman dead and a family devastated.
  8. Well, so long as you're entertained, that's what's important here.
  9. I'm sure I mentioned it before, but one thing I was struck by after traveling to Germany on our honeymoon five years ago is how Germans don't necessarily hide from or shy from what happened between 1933 and 1945.... they seem to accept it head on in a way that we, in America, never seem capable of accepting our past mistakes. Not looking to draw an equivalence or anything (what happened in 1933-1945 remains unprecedented), but rather just remarking on how Americans don't like to feel uncomfortable when addressing past mistakes. And when you do look at some of these things, you occasionally get called things like "anti-American" and "Marxist" and the like for daring to recognize those past mistakes.
  10. Exactly. The framing of Manchin's views tend to be dominated by the left of the Democratic Party, who tend to call him a conservative or Republican-lite or things like that, almost to the point of it being kind of the built in assumption on his views. But at the end of the day, while he does fall to the right of the AOC wing and maybe doesn't desire the same level of expenditure that they do, when you look at the guy's voting record, he's just not anywhere near being a Republican. And he's made it pretty clear a number of times over the years that he doesn't like Mitch and the GOP. Setting aside that politically it would be dumb for him to switch parties now (especially given his Senate Energy Committee Chairmanship as well as his strong hand in negotiations on infrastructure), I just don't think the philosophical alignment is there. And while he can be a frustrating guy at times, I don't think he's unprincipled enough to throw out his beliefs to switch parties.... if he were, he probably would have done it during the Trump Presidency.
  11. The body.... isn't.... even... cold.... yet. Christ Almighty.
  12. Pretty succinct explanation here.... whether you agree or disagree with AOC, she at least appears to have an ethos and actual policy ideas. I can't really explain what MTG is after other than providing entertainment value for the base to seal clap for. I guess if you look at politics as a form of pro-wrestling, you'll think she's useful, but if you look at government in terms of policy or ideas, she's probably the most useless member of Congress.
  13. Basketball in particular.... one star player can be the difference between 58-24 and 24-58
  14. So, did Chris Taylor's asking price get too inflated last night? Lol
  15. Arguably their best team during that stretch (2013) didn't even make it to the WS.
  16. Future Tigers Legend Chris Taylor with his third homer of the night!
  17. Tonight feels like a role reversal of last night's game... team with back against the wall and throwing the bullpen performing well, ace pitcher struggling.
  18. 2 Innings, 14 pitches. Give him another lol
  19. Dodgers would be wise to let Graterol go another inning... he's filthy tonight
  20. Baseball is also a sport where the best teams generally only win 67% of the time or so... Just more room for variability compared to the NFL or NBA or even NHL.
  21. To this end, being in the same division with the 107-win Giants takes a toll. But that's not really an excuse IMO. All the teams remaining have taken on water at times this season.
  22. Do you think the sportswriters could at least wait until the Dodgers are actually eliminated before making excuses?
  23. He also said that he would only become an I and would caucus with the Ds in this hypothetical.
  24. And Arizona needs someone more liberal than Sinema. Manchin is at least willing to play ball in all of this... I still don't know entirely what her endgame is.
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