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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton would have won regardless of Superdelegates
  2. The reality with Democratic Primary politics is that the most important constituency in the party is African American voters, particularly Gen-X and Above and particularly AA Women. In both cases (particularly with Biden, but with Clinton as well) the writing was on the wall as soon as South Carolina happened, because it foreshadowed everything that would occur once Super Tuesday hit. Clinton and Biden were more establishment candidates, but the structure of Democratic politics simply elevates establishment candidates in a way that Republican politics doesn't because of the importance of that constituency and what they tend to value in candidates.
  3. I understand this POV, but isn't the design of our system part of the problem? We have an antiquated system of elections which is both a "first past the post" system and one dependent on a system that assigns electors based on states rather than popular vote. Which, theoretically, if neither candidate wins the majority of said electors, ends up being decided by Congress You couldn't possibly design a system of government more likely to encourage less viable choices for voters to choose from if you tried. But at the same time, many who complain about having to choose the lesser of two evils (particularly on the right) tend not to want to look at the flaws that bring us to this place.
  4. On the micro level, I do believe there's more that unites than divides us. But on the macro level, there are a lot of forces working to pull people on all sides apart. Starting with social and partisan media sources.
  5. You should ask our state legislators down in Austin.... they're the ones who passed a bill to (ostensibly) boost election security while simultaneously passing a Constitutional Carry bill.
  6. I'm good with Picture ID
  7. This is the thing about the gun debate... there are absolutely ways in which guns could be regulated that could reduce gun crime in this country. Not just in terms of mass shootings at school, but even in terms of violent crime in larger cities. That would not involve things like buybacks or confiscation or anything like that. But, like the abortion debate, we are congenitally incapable of having a nuanced debate... its either you favor gun rights or you favor confiscation. No middle ground. I've largely checked out of the gun debate because of it... nothing will be accomplished because, while some middle ground may exist in the population as a whole, the extremes in Washington control the debate
  8. I know this is probably the point (ie. owning the libs, etc.) but it never ceases to amaze that people tolerate (or even like) the kind of behavior out of their leaders that they would ground their kids for a month over at home. I love this country, but in many ways we are not a serious people.
  9. Similar to how, despite the fear mongering, companies with vax mandates are generally getting compliance in excess of 95%. At the end of the day, I don't think the theoretical efficacy of gun laws is much of a debate. Setting aside the 2nd Amendment, which makes it impossible to really do much with guns anyway, it basically comes down to what you value more: a society where guns are widely or easily accessible. Or one that where they are more restricted. And whether one is OK with the tradeoffs that come with those positions.
  10. What a douchecanoe
  11. So if laws don't prevent all crime, why have them? Why have drunk driving laws, for instance? Clearly they don't prevent people from getting behind the wheel of their car (ie. tool) and driving. Guess they're useless 🤷‍♂️
  12. I put mine on when required, but a lot of places aren't requiring them anymore here.
  13. Even in urban and suburban Texas (ie. Blue/Blue Trending), mask wearing has dropped precipitously. I have worn one sparingly (except grocery stores or Costco) for a while now.
  14. I'm glad you feel that way. I'm guessing, despite what is portrayed in the media, is that most people at this point of the pandemic (regardless of whether they wear a mask or not) probably don't spend a bunch of time thinking about what others choose to do. My only point is that there is a subset of people who have been militant in their opposition to masks throughout the pandemic and continue to be, similar to what is depicted in that cartoon. And no, I don't have respect for that view and don't feel the need to defend why I don’t.
  15. No. But I'm guessing that the subset of people who don't wear masks while sneering, concern trolling and talking shit about people who do wear masks (depicted in the cartoon) is made up of a lot of people who will be perceived as unlikable by a lot of people in America today. Put another way, if you spent the better part of last year and the beginning of this year whining about your personal freedom only to turn around and disrespect others for exercising their personal freedom, no, I'm not gonna have a lot of respect for that. Nor do I understand why I should.
  16. People will put it all on Urquidy, but Altuve owns some of that too. Boots a tailor made DP, then bad shit happens... that's playoff baseball for ya.
  17. Another day. Another grand salami for the Sawx
  18. Coming soon to Tucker Carlson...
  19. Yeah.... It's sort of the same deal with the drum banging schtick that the Indians dude used to do.... it was annoying before the culture wars kicked off. And in the case of the chop (which continues to this day), it's annoying now.
  20. I've always hated the chop.... the cultural debate is sort of beside the point for me, it's just annoying as hell. I don't care for any of the teams left, really, but Dodgers/Braves has so far been a much more interesting series just from a baseball perspective. Great pitching, good coaching (Roberts' overmanaging aside), great storylines, etc. Ultimately, whoever wins this series will be who I end up rooting for in the WS.
  21. Roberts bullpen management tonight cost them. One imagines that another inning of Treinan or using Graterol easily could have resulted in something better than a tie game. Of course, they left a lot of ducks on the pond. But still
  22. Homer from Future Tigers Legend Corey Seager starts the scoring tonight in Atlanta....
  23. I'd like to see them get Martin Maldonado at C... comes cheap, plays good defense, etc
  24. Its fairly widely accepted to be less effective than Pfizer of Moderna, and IIRC FDA is looking at whether to recommend Pfizer/Moderna boosters for J&J recipients.
  25. Its a big "if", but Lange building upon his final month would significantly improve my outlook on the bullpen. He definitely has the stuff, just need to see him do it consistently
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