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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. It may be an assumption that may not find a better opportunity elsewhere? Either way, he did a really good job eating innings and was invaluable down the stretch, but he's still more of a mop up/spot starter type, not rotation
  2. Chris Taylor walk off jack!
  3. This game is a lot more entertaining than last night's 💣
  4. I guess I dont get why his comment was bad PR. As fans, we have talked over and over about the impact past contracts have had on payroll and how it impacts being able to make additions to the ballclub. I dont mind the fact that he's acknowledging that. And that a goal of his going forward is to avoid being put into a similar situation in the future. If anything, I appreciate his candor on that. Not making excuses for any bad decisions he has made as GM, but I understand where he is coming from with his comments and didn't have a negative view of them.
  5. I just took Avila's comment to mean that he desires to build a roster that is successful and financially sustainable. Which, IMO, is a reflection of the constraints that, as a GM, he has had to live with as the Tigers have been working through past deals. However one feels about his abilities as a GM, no doubt, payroll constraints have probably been a source of frustration and haven't made the job any easier. I don't think it was meant as a deliberate shot at Mike I or DD or anyone else. Nor is it necessarily an excuse for how bad things got at points in the rebuild. But perhaps a window to a source of frustration for him over the past few years.
  6. The question I have is "why now?"... is this a long term five year plan or just some sort of philosophical change for Avila that he wasn't practicing earlier on? And while some changes were made pre-AJ, how much influence has AJ had?
  7. I'm the rare non Dodger fan rooting for the Dodgers tonight. I like Scherzer, I loathe the Cardinals, and I don't have the same level of dislike for the Dodgers as I do the Yanks or Sox
  8. About 15 mins from the house...
  9. Al's body language with that comment wasn't great for Willi going forward, no doubt
  10. Can you elaborate? I enjoyed it as well, just curious your takeaways
  11. I dont think there's a ton to draw from the press conference, but the general tone of talking about additions from the outside is definitely different from years past. Whether the names are big and splashy enough for the fan base? Remains to be seen
  12. Paraphrasing, but he basically said that he's very sensitive to the idea of trading top prospects or guys he views as long term cornerstones at this juncture. Every player has a price of course, but if a top prospect or a new graduate like Mize ends up traded, based on what I took from his comment, its because someone else paid up. I dont think he's gonna actively look to add with those pieces
  13. This is going to be an interesting question.... it's sort of Tucker Barnhart or bust in free agency. So trades may have to be an option.
  14. Al's response to the question about trading prospects makes Lynn's comment about trading Mize look even dumber in retrospect
  15. Challenge accepted (I hope!)
  16. Illinois is really bad on property taxes. Only Jersey and NY are worse, IIRC
  17. Definitely pulling for the Brewers in general... getting one in Ueck's lifetime would be fantastic
  18. Honestly, he was solid as a game caller too. Much better than Greiner.
  19. Relative to expectations, Garneau is definitely a B... nobody expected the offensive numbers or that he'd fill in as a respectable ML backup catcher. Heck, they DFA'd him and had to trade with Colorado to get him back in the org! Lange would have been more of a C had he not looked so solid in his last callup... aside from Victor Reyes, I'm not sure another player saw his stock rise more in the last month than Lange.
  20. Lange and Garneau were both in the Bs. But otherwise these look reasonable.
  21. Rays / Dodgers (again)
  22. I've been more defensive of Haase than most around here, but if they do see themselves on the periphery of competition, they'll need to add another catcher to the mix. The last 45 days were rough for Haase
  23. I just want as much chaos as possible. Let me have it lol
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