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Everything posted by mtutiger

  1. Seeing these posts leads me to believe that the response to the Jan 6th worst case scenario (ie. Multiple dead politicians / even more dead police) would be something along the lines of "so what? that didn't represent everyone there that day, nbd"
  2. So? The fact that there were any people there at all with the intent of harm or assassination of people is unsettling. I'm surprised that you seem not to understand that
  3. I guess even if one concedes that the majority of folks who showed up that day were unwitting or not there for nefarious reasons (for the sake of argument I'll concede), I don't know how that disproves the presence of people who were there for nefarious reasons or, who had things gone differently, could have taken members of Congress or the Vice President hostage or executed them. Or how a group of people with that intent being in that building wouldn't be *the* story of what happened that day. From everything I've seen and read, we were very lucky that nothing additional happened that day. Yet there is a real effort to just brush off or deny that reality, entirely driven by politics. Its incredibly discouraging and makes me worried about our future.
  4. Hence why what happened is a big deal. Thanks for confirming.
  5. Agreed. Although I'm coming around on the idea of another outfielder bat... Probably a dumb idea, but with a position like catcher, whether that may be something that could be accomplished through trade versus free agency? Just to add flexibility or options. Maybe try to get someone like Tom Murphy or Pedro Severino who may be supplanted by prospects with their respective clubs before too long?
  6. I assume they all talked about how Elder winning 47% of 40% of the electorate was smashing success? Like, teach these people some math!
  7. I mean, there was one guy who was caught walking around with zip ties in the Senate Chamber. If the event were that peaceful, why would they need zip ties? Nothing personal Archie, but it appears that the only reason that you can sit there and say "oh, it wasn't that bad" is because a number of police made decisions in the heat of the moment that day that prevented it from being much worse.
  8. Can we hire their PBP guy? Dude has more passion in his pinky than Shep has overall it would seem haha
  9. That walk was such a killer.
  10. Nice sequence to Robert there... couldn't lay off the slide piece. Yeesh, good thing they got the insurance last inning. Need to get more
  11. Gas Can Urena showed up tonight... perhaps for the final time
  12. Dallas Keuchel really stood up for Abreu tonight haha
  13. Its really nice to see them push Big Mouth Keuchel around some lol
  14. Tork seems to be hitting everything o right.... I wonder if his approach (perhaps honing that right field swing) may be part of why his average is low. Just spitballing, could be off there. Either way, I'm not too concerned.
  15. *Ahem*... they call it fun differential up there 🤣
  16. Say what you want about Joe Manchin, but at least he's given a number on what he'll accept and appears to want to play ball. I have no clue what Sinema wants at all.
  17. I would add, the polls undershot NO by a considerable amount in California, another state with a high level of college educated white voters. There are a lot of states where polling bias hides R strength (ie. Look at the Midwest), I just wonder whether Virginia is more like California or Oregon or Washington State where they more frequently to underestimate D strength.
  18. I dont spend a lot of time in NoVa, but it appears on the surface like there is an expectation (at least from a lot of the political class) that there may be some snapback or reversion in voting patterns up there. If voting behavior is predicated more than anything else on education levels in today's politics, with a region like NoVa, I'll believe it when I see it. In other words, If Youngkin wins, he's probably going to have to do it by holding serve up there and making it ground in other parts of the state. I dont think it'll happen. But we'll see.
  19. I watched for a while last night.... even if they don't make it this year, still get good vibes off of that franchise and the general direction they are headed.
  20. The Senate races will be interesting this year, and not in a good way. Most of the competitive states have good GOP candidates who historically would have a glide path to the nomination, yet the energy is with the Herschel Walker types who would likely not be as strong in a general election environment. Its emblematic of the conundrum the GOP has at the moment... the strong general election candidates struggle to win the primary, the strong primary candidates will likely struggle relative to expectations in the general.
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