I posted, back in July, that Detroit would not win any League chanpionship with Hinch as Manager. He blew game 4 and especially game 5.
Skubal puts two batters on base, Hinch doesn't even have anyone get up in the bullpen. |But why would he? Evreyone knows Skubal is going to pitch out of the jam. After he loads the bases, he hits Rameriz with a pitch and probably everyone, except Hinch, could see what was coming. I suppose Hinch figured he would get all the glory for leaving Skubal to get out of his jam. Just like he probably thought using The rookie Jobe in the 4th game would earn him (Hinch) all the glory for putting in a game winning rookie pitcher. Naturally he probably never considered the effect it would have on Jobe, mentally. But who cares? Certainly not Hinch. He is a moron, proven beyond a doubt in games 4&5 Harris and Ittitch should be livid with anger and should have fired HInch immediatelly.