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Rob Miller

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Everything posted by Rob Miller

  1. I posted, back in July, that Detroit would not win any League chanpionship with Hinch as Manager. He blew game 4 and especially game 5. Skubal puts two batters on base, Hinch doesn't even have anyone get up in the bullpen. |But why would he? Evreyone knows Skubal is going to pitch out of the jam. After he loads the bases, he hits Rameriz with a pitch and probably everyone, except Hinch, could see what was coming. I suppose Hinch figured he would get all the glory for leaving Skubal to get out of his jam. Just like he probably thought using The rookie Jobe in the 4th game would earn him (Hinch) all the glory for putting in a game winning rookie pitcher. Naturally he probably never considered the effect it would have on Jobe, mentally. But who cares? Certainly not Hinch. He is a moron, proven beyond a doubt in games 4&5 Harris and Ittitch should be livid with anger and should have fired HInch immediatelly.
  2. Hinch allows Montero to remain in game after giving up 3 runs. I could see where this game was headed. HInch had to give up a 5 run lead and he blew it. Montero should have been pulled when he gave up those 3 runs. But no, Hinch had to be sure Montero would lose the game by giving up a couple more runs. Hinch is an absolute idiot. I don't think he really wants to win. And why is Dingler still playing? He can't hit. But Hinch and Harris(and whoever else involved) decided that due to his hiatting in AAA he was just what the Tigers needed. Fact is he should be back at Toledo, but if they send him down it would be admitting that they made a mistake in bringing him up too soon. And they are not about to admit to making such a mistake. Just like Hinch won't admit to blowing the game Montero started.
  3. Torkelson has been doing OK since coming back up. Maybe the Tigers should send Riley Greene down to AAA for a while. All he seems to do anymore is srikeout just like Baez. With a 140 million dollar contract Baez should be producing. He is way overpaid considering how useless he is.
  4. Too bad, that could have been a win for the Tigers. But hey,Tiger management really does not want to win. They just want to continue rebuilding for the future ( which seems like that is what they have been saying for the past 40 years. Owners and management, just a bunch of losers. Tiger fans should boycott the games. Maybe that would produce some positive results.
  5. Should have pulled Miller with two on base. But no, Hinch displays in total ignorance, again, when it comes to making wise ptiching changes. By my count, his stupid decisions have led to 20 losses, this season. And i am sure there are more to come.
  6. Madris has been hitting and getting on base quite consistently. unfortunately he rarely scores as he is usually followed by Rogers, Baez or McInstry, none of who can hit worth a damn. I predict that Hinch will continue with this same flawed reasoning and do the same with Madris in the series with the Royals. Hinch is an idiot who certainly will continue his losing ways. Maybe Hinch and Harris are hoping Madris will begin to run out of steam so they can bring Torkelson back up (another loser who poroved that he can not hit).
  7. Carson Kelly is gone, so Dingler could be brought up from Toledo. Better to have kept him and sent Rogers down to Toledo. Kelly was a better hitter and a better catcher. Rogers has struck out in his last 8 at bats (what a loser). Now, I fully expect the tTigers to trade Flaherty. They also need to dump Baez and McKinstry. Neither can hit worth a damn. Baez being the worst of the two. They piss and moan about having Bull Pen starts. And yet they will flirt with giving away a young talented pitcher. But what does management care? Illitch is not concerned with providing a winning team for Tigers fans. His only concern is sellitng his lousey, poor mans pizza. Harris, Hinch and greemberg are morons. They apparently don't care about producing a winning team. 40 years since a World Series win. But in 1984 the Tiger had a good manager and only losers since then
  8. Who were the brilliant people who signed Maeda? Hinch had to be one of the culprits as he thinks Maeda is a very good pitcher (ha ha). Afterall he has only given up 15 runs in his last two starts in just ovre 7 innings pitched.Tiger management are too stupid to realize that he is a loser, overaged has been. They need to buy out his contract and ship him off on a slow boat to Tokyo, Of course Hinch is very much a part of those two losses. He sshould have pulled Maeda after he gave up the 2 homers in the 1st inning. But no,Hinch is too gullible to recognize when his pitchers don't have thier "good stuff", and let them continue on. And why did he let Malloy bat ti the 10th inning when he had Ibanez sitting on the bench? Again, lousy managing by a lousy manager. Again I say, |Tigers will not win any championships with Hinch running the show.
  9. So, apparently Hinch once again, displays his incompetence and allows Maeda to give up 9 runs fefore pulling him. Hinch cannot determine when it's time to put in a reliever, yet anyone wathcing the game could see that Maeda should have been pulled after he loaded the bases in the 3rd. By my count Hinch is responsible or 17 lost games due to his stupidity. Did he really think Maeda wa going to do better? Or maybe he was afraid that pulling Maeda would hurt his feelings and perhaps spark another attack on Pearl Harbor. I didn't watch the Post game show but I'd bet that Hinch didn't take the blame for the loss. Let's face it. The tigers are never going to win any championship with Hinch in charge. In fact the Tigers haven't had a good manager since Sparky Anderson. And with the current ownership and top organization hot shots (Harris, Greenberg) they will simply stumble along pretending to be a major league baseball team. Hinch doesn't have the grey matter needed to be a succesful manager.
  10. Should have kept Short and dumped Baez.
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