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Everything posted by Sports_Freak

  1. I think Randy meant we'll be able to see the Viking/Packers game since it was moved to the national timeslot.
  2. As Bob Dylan says "The Times They Are a-Changin'" 😆
  3. "Kind of crazy that a 13-2 Vikings team could still very realistically end up the #6 seed." But in your scenario, Minnesota loses out. So they would be a 13-4 #6 seed.
  4. In Minnesota. I don't know, the Vikings are the luckiest team in the NFL. The Lions injuries have derailed our championship run.
  5. I guess we'll have to root for the Packers next week. I feel ill...
  6. Bummer....he had a pass knocked away, too.
  7. We really could use a closer who misses bats.
  8. So, the secret to winning in the NFL is to turn the ball over 5 times? Lions did it against Houston and Washington did it today against the Eagles. 😅
  9. Conference loss for the Eagles, too!!
  10. Watch out for the Commanders, they could be a problem.
  11. We swept the AFC South. Beat SF and it will be an NFC West sweep. Win out and it will be 3 divisions swept. Kinda...good?
  12. Glorified practice. Bring on the 49'ers, it's payback time
  13. I don't know his name but that guy doing color just doesn't shut up. Just goes on and on.....
  14. Remember how Philly had the #1 seed about wrapped up last season? Sometimes, it's not how you start, it's how you finish. Crush Da Bears!!
  15. The Jets would prolly give him a 10 year contract. They're really stupid.
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