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Everything posted by Sports_Freak

  1. I agree. He'll save runs and also pitches for our young staff. That part is harder to measure but I see our team ERA shrink this season. I didn't like the signing at first because I remember some antics he's displayed in the past. But now I'm getting excited for some baseball.
  2. So what's the best we can hope for in regards to his strikeouts? 125 to 175? Hopefully, learning a new league won't be too much for him.
  3. Yeah, I'm just a cynical old man who can't understand how players like Max can get 1.5 million dollars per start. Back in the day......
  4. Fire all the players, bring in scabs and lower prices. There's a lot of players out there who would play for a few hundred grand a year.
  5. I notice, after using Twitter for a while, punctuation no longer matters. Half the time people don't even use question marks when asking a question.
  6. Great point. And hopefully, Tram was an important part of it. As for Baez, his k numbers really stand out. But he does have power, I wonder if they can teach him to just make contact? And he'll be lowering our team ERA, for sure. He really can pick it. And let's everyone know...lol
  7. Win, lose or draw, Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  8. It wouldn't surprise me if we end up needing a booster once a year or so.
  9. The covid vaccine should be mandatory, nationwide, for children in school by a certain age.
  10. In history? He has a tie. He was 5-7 for Miami. So he's 5-16-1. There's been worse in Detroit.
  11. Football fans across America can't wait for the yearly Lions Thanksgiving game. Take it away from them already. A national embarrassment.
  12. Yeah, no wonder they're not calling any deep pass plays for Boil. He's not NFL caliber talent. Highly inaccurate over 5 yards.
  13. It's going to be at least 3 more years of him. Give him a chance to prove he's unqualified.
  14. I wonder if an announcer just quit? Just get up and leave? I could see it happening in this dog of a game. Sorry, dogs. 😁
  15. These anti-vaxxers are becoming a bigger and bigger part of today’s Republican Party, and they aren’t only against inoculation and mask wearing; they’re also against any kind of COVID restrictions whatsoever and the existence of vaccine passports. Never mind that the only way to stop the virus is to get people vaccinated; Republicans seem not to have made this connection. Instead, they have started treating this group as a protected class—recently, they have started pushing bills that would protect against discrimination toward unvaccinated people. The irony, of course, is that a lot of these Republicans have no problem with discrimination on the basis of race or sex; many of them have argued that there is no need for an Equal Rights Amendment. Yet they want to protect their constituents from a safe, effective, free vaccine that could save their lives from a highly preventable disease.
  16. Read; https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michigan-whitmer-stripped-emergency-powers
  17. It IS the GOP's fault. From last summer; https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michigan-whitmer-stripped-emergency-powers
  18. Only if we find a Stanley Clarke to play 2nd base.
  19. Boyd is pretty much worthless. Hurt and moving into free agency. We may be better off getting him healthy and effective by the trade deadline. Then either extend him or trade him.
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