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Everything posted by Sports_Freak

  1. Football fans across America can't wait for the yearly Lions Thanksgiving game. Take it away from them already. A national embarrassment.
  2. Yeah, no wonder they're not calling any deep pass plays for Boil. He's not NFL caliber talent. Highly inaccurate over 5 yards.
  3. It's going to be at least 3 more years of him. Give him a chance to prove he's unqualified.
  4. I wonder if an announcer just quit? Just get up and leave? I could see it happening in this dog of a game. Sorry, dogs. 😁
  5. These anti-vaxxers are becoming a bigger and bigger part of today’s Republican Party, and they aren’t only against inoculation and mask wearing; they’re also against any kind of COVID restrictions whatsoever and the existence of vaccine passports. Never mind that the only way to stop the virus is to get people vaccinated; Republicans seem not to have made this connection. Instead, they have started treating this group as a protected class—recently, they have started pushing bills that would protect against discrimination toward unvaccinated people. The irony, of course, is that a lot of these Republicans have no problem with discrimination on the basis of race or sex; many of them have argued that there is no need for an Equal Rights Amendment. Yet they want to protect their constituents from a safe, effective, free vaccine that could save their lives from a highly preventable disease.
  6. Read; https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michigan-whitmer-stripped-emergency-powers
  7. It IS the GOP's fault. From last summer; https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michigan-whitmer-stripped-emergency-powers
  8. Only if we find a Stanley Clarke to play 2nd base.
  9. Boyd is pretty much worthless. Hurt and moving into free agency. We may be better off getting him healthy and effective by the trade deadline. Then either extend him or trade him.
  10. No way. For $50m we could sign a healthy and younger pitcher. Besides, use that money for a SS.
  11. That superstar will get $30m per year, or more. The fringe player will accept an invite to spring training. So, no.
  12. If he's totally overmatched in ST like last year, no way. He'll need to force himself onto the team. Sure, the good ones make it quick and I'm not gonna give up on the guy if he has a bad spring. At worse, send him to Toledo until he gets hot.
  13. Tork has played one season of professional ball, after taking an entire season off. If he's tearing the cover off the ball in ST, it wouldn't surprise me if he comes north.
  14. Just by the eye test, it seemed like Manning had untouchable stuff at times. If Skubal gives up another 35 home runs, his Tiger career may be in jeopardy. Yes, the strikeouts were nice but it means more pitches thrown. I don't know the advanced stats but Manning was learning at the ML level last season, never easy to do.
  15. Yeah, and Skubal is a LH. Generally more valuable. I just see an upside with Manning that will be around for a while. Skubals strikeouts are impressive though.
  16. If he can get the HR ratio down. Giving up so many kills him.
  17. Wasn't that his first season in pro ball? Or did he play before the pandemic? Either way, a year off could have stunted growth for many of the young guys.
  18. Since this is a hot stove thread, let's think about trades. In order to get talent back, we would need to offer talent. Skubal? I would say Tork and Greene as untouchable. Same with Mize and Manning. Maybe we're all overlooking trading for a SS. Maybe with a team that signs one of the SS on the market? Just about anyone would be better than what we ran out there.
  19. Agreed. Just look at Grossman this season. He was much more valuable then his BA in 2021.
  20. I don't know. I just hear bits and pieces and usually get it wrong when I try to remember it. Did I hear age 27 or 29 to be a FA? It's still too early to hear many of the proposals, I guess. The current CBA doesn't end until December 1st.
  21. To me, the bigger deal is the service time. Teams hold players back just to delay their free agent status. Make it a set age and we may see talent reaching MLB at a younger age. And I also heard rumors that no more losing draft picks for signing free agents?
  22. I would argue that the expansion of the bullpen is, by far, the biggest change in baseball. Maybe the biggest change in any sport.
  23. Agreed. And I hear a rumor about service time no longer counting. A players age may determines when he's a FA. If so, we may see more young talent at the ML level.
  24. Turnbull will be given every opportunity when he regains his health. So will Boyd, if he's still around. If the Tigers sign a SS, I don't think Kreidler will ever be given a shot, at shortstop.
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