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Everything posted by Sports_Freak

  1. Yeah, he came across sounding pretty bad during the Hulu game interview. His g-friend is very pregnant and is refusing the shot. Maybe there's a bit more to the story than we've heard. He may be able to play in Canada later in the season?
  2. Any idea why? He's been pretty aggressive lately. And enduring some cheap shots.
  3. Yeah, he only earned the bonus for the years he played. I'm sure it was written that way legally, it's why he had to give it back. And I hear him say other players don't have to pay the bonus back, I was just wondering if anyone had any such players to compare to. As for retiring at a young age? I really can't blame him for that. Pain sucks and living with it every day can really drain a person. He really got hammered, over and over, every time he went up to get a Stafford jump ball. But yeah, I still say that was a TD in Chicago.
  4. Where's Larkin?
  5. I've been using a timeline like this since the late '60's, early '70's. It still hasn't worked out. But yeah, this time it will....lol
  6. He could have opened a few more marijuana dispensaries. We all lose...😆😆
  7. 100%.
  8. Johnson and others argue that other teams don't make their retiring players pay back any signing bonuses. My only questions are which teams? And were the players who are/were retiring in the middle of the contract and only earning part of the bonus?
  9. Good strategy. Get proven players for unknown quality players. The Rams defense was already very good, now they may be great.
  10. This makes zero sense. The Lions offered him a contract and he accepted it. He didn't (or couldn't) live up to his end of the deal. Paying it back is the only honest and honorable thing to do.
  11. I'm not saying or suggesting that they should extend him. It would be the stupidest thing they could do. So yeah, it's the Lions. Any stupid thing they do wouldn't surprise me.
  12. But it's funny to think they possibly could.
  13. I agree. But we need to remember this IS the Lions. The only requirement to get a front office job or coaching job? No experience required. Just keep making them money and keep your mouth shut...lol
  14. If the Ford Motor Company was run as poorly as the Lions have been, they would be out of business. The way the NFL is set up, the Lions will make money without winning a game. And their team value will appreciate at an undeserving rate.
  15. So a year and a half is 24 games. Would it shock anyone if the Lions extended Goff for 3 or 4 years? That would be so typical of this franchise.
  16. Yeah....we have a ton of draft picks, hit on them. We desperately need playmakers. And we'll have money to spend next year?
  17. Trust me....the Jets are better than the Lions.
  18. There were formation mistakes. That's on coaching. There were too many men on defense. Again, that's on coaching. It could be on the O or D coaches but the buck stops at the head coach.
  19. I agree. Going for it on 4th down at mid-field and not making it is OK. When you're in FG range? Not so much. Coaching mistake. Faking punts and onside kicks are just gimmick plays that usually don't work. So I don't care so much if they're stopped. I think he's pretty good with clock management and getting players motivated. Clean up a couple of dumb calls and he may be a winning coach, given a decent roster (and a QB).
  20. I'm not really sure it's Decker not wanting to play. I think it's more the Lions aren't allowing him to play.
  21. So the Jets beat the Bengals and the Bengals beat the Lions. That means the Jets are better than the Lions....😄😄
  22. Can you imagine the announcers looking at assignments and seeing their doing the Lions-Eagles game? Poor guys.....
  23. Finally agree. Not just embarrassing days, but embarrassing years. The worst run franchise in the history of all 4 American sports. Not even close.
  24. Hopefully we extend Goff with a new 3 year contract. No reason to panic after one bad season.
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