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Everything posted by ben9753

  1. I like it selfishly, because I can watch evening games, Sunday afternoon games I'm too busy. But I agree it must be hard on the players. Playing an NFL game is like getting in a car accident every week. The body needs time to heal.
  2. Man that was painful. For all the people saying they should have gone for it at the end of the game last week, if their plan was anything like these plays, its a good thing they took the points and went to OT.
  3. Don't know why any team would ever run against this team. Just throw all day.
  4. Will he be in the office on Yom Kippur?
  5. Reminds me of the Royals double play combo. Graffanino to Grudzielanik to Mientkiewicz
  6. Gretchen Whitmer
  7. There’s almost no NFL game where you can’t say if a couple plays go the other way it’s a different game. Never apologize for a win.
  8. Took the lead and left the lead.
  9. Most hype around a regular season game since???
  10. As an aside, can someone explain the Arizona call thing to me? They got it right. They could not have affected the outcome because the polls were already closed. So whats the beef exactly? I'll never understand it.
  11. This will be a cakewalk. 32-17 good guys.
  12. I think the problem is that in normal discussion, degrees of awfulness is not apparent. So if I think Fox is at a level 100, doesn't mean other media outlets can't be biased and be promoting an agenda, even if their level of awfulness is only a 50. Doesn't make them equivalent, but it also doesn't absolve the less awful outlet from any criticism, and we shouldn't attack a poster for having such an opinion. IMO
  13. Brings nostalgia for a different America. Only 15 years ago but it seems like a different country.
  14. Guns don’t kill people. Unshielded stadiums kill people.
  15. Random thought: Republican's claim any election they don't win is rigged. The reality is, every presidential election is inherently rigged in favor of Republicans. The electoral college is blatantly skewed to favor the GOP, and its just accepted. So not only is it ridiculous to claim the Democrats rig elections in their favor, the objective truth is that every Presidential election gives the GOP a head start the Dems must overcome, and thats just how it is.
  16. What do they think? That it’s the US Senate?
  17. Lions win it all.
  18. It makes you think. I’m not saying she’s behind it, but you can’t tell me it’s just a coincidence.
  19. Watching Pujols last year, I could only think if he had stayed with the Cards he might’ve broken Bonds record.
  20. I feel like the Angels are the Mets of the AL. Can’t build the right way so they spend like drunken sailors and do everything to try and force their way into contention when it isn’t working.
  21. Reminds me of a Tweet I saw the other day. Repubs like to say an armed society is a polite society. When really the truth is an armed society allows armed assholes to be assholes and everyone else has to accept it so they don’t get shot.
  22. He always just felt authentic to me. A big difference between the radio guys and the tv crew.
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