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Everything posted by ben9753

  1. I wonder what Krauthammer’s take on Trumpism and what conservitsm has become would have been.
  2. That’s some nazi level ****
  3. She is a true inspiration.
  4. Hes on to a Nicer Place. RIP
  5. Realistically, you really think that could happen? I'm not talking about what you or I want to see, I'm talking about what actaully could happen. Maybe you are right but I can't actually imagine it.
  6. So, for the longest time the sentiment here was Trump was never going to be held accountable, he was never going to be indicted, and he for sure will never go to prison for his crimes. Well, he's been indicted, and alot of people (Pence, Bill Barr, Ty Cobb etc.), even from his inner circle seem to indicate the crimes are serious and he stands a good chance of being convicted. But what happens if he's convicted?? He can't go to prison, right? So what happens?
  7. Brought to you by the party of "Lock Her Up". cry moar
  8. Perfect time to head over to the politics forum. That’s where all the excitement is.
  9. The real question is how does this affect our ability to sign Jeimer Candelario?
  10. Maybe one day they'll make a movie about it
  11. not an infielder but don't forget Jair Jurggens
  12. @gehringer_2Why are so sure he can’t win the election? I’m terrified he will.
  13. It’s like choosing herpes vs gonorrhea. The bar is pretty low
  14. Remind me who suffers from derangement syndrome? These guys are pathetic
  15. But we’ll see if starting a riot in the halls of Congress and trying to overturn an election will carry the same gravitas with Repubs as money laundering and drug crimes or whatever Hunter did.
  16. The son of the president might go to prison.
  17. Am I the only one who couldn't care less about Hunter Biden? I don't care if he goes to prison or gets some sweetheart deal from the feds. But its so heartwarming to see Republicans agreeing with the notion that no one is above the law. I'm sure they'll be consistent no matter who is on trial.
  18. At least Stan participated in the discourse. This incarnation is just boring.
  19. When conservatives do it its a boycott. When libs do it its Woke Anti American Cancel Culture. Is that right?
  20. Very interesting! It would be fun to do that in other sports as well.
  21. I didn’t read the article but it reeks of more “Democrats need to give Republicans what they want or you never know what crazy thing Uncle Billy might do”. Yeah no thanks.
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