I don’t think there’s a single person here that think the election is over. Where do you get this from? Trumpers may be idiots, but there are a lot of them and they vote.
Yay get ready for the great whitewashing. CNN is being used by Trump and they’re either too stupid to see it or too craven to care. Not sure which is worse.
I think it’s the gambling laws being loosened in many states. Gambling is no longer taboo and the leagues don’t pretend it doesn’t exist anymore. They’ve basically embraced the industry, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
Such a backwards way of thinking. So basically a president can’t be held account for his crimes. How is that not a short road to authoritarianism? Trump literally did everything he could to hold onto power. He needs to be held accountable, or future presidents will use him as a lesson.