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Everything posted by ben9753

  1. Its concerning, but as long as they did enough to win, I can't complain. If they didn't have stretches where they looked bad, they'd be the greatest team of all time.
  2. Nice game. There's no way they were going to repeat the first half, but anytime you can put up a 22-0 half, you've given yourself enough of a runway to pretty much guarantee a win.
  3. This game has been pretty penalty free. Great to watch.
  4. Who's this guy that looks and sounds like Christopher Walkin?
  5. Not saying you're wrong, but a little early to declare after one mediocre game and one nice half.
  6. Love the call. Go for the jugular.
  7. Reminds me of this beauty https://twitter.com/playofftanaka_/status/1518793642529464321
  8. Can someone explain the meaning of Special Master and what it means for Trump and the investigation? I don't read the news much and am off twitter and rely on this board for current events.
  9. I use iClouds feature that generates an email address and forwards it. I can view all my generated addresses, which site its associated with and delete it if I want. Super convenient. https://support.apple.com/guide/icloud/what-you-can-do-with-icloud-and-hide-my-email-mme38e1602db/icloud
  10. For people who love it when someone "tells it like it is" they sure are snowflakes when their fee fees get hurt.
  11. Assholes asking why you beat your wife doesn't define your marital harmony. Assholes yelling the election was stolen shouldn't "define elections in recent years". Allowing these nut cases to set the framing of issues drives me nuts.
  12. How do you do that? Walk up to the check in counter with your gas can and ask them to fill it for you? lol
  13. The Mets where somewhat in that situation for a few years. They had two aces in DeGrom and Syndergaard (even though he's now moved on and been replaced by Scherzer) and a mediocre team otherwise. But there was always some excitement around them because you knew if they could just fill out the rest of the team with adequate pieces, they have a chance to be really good. And thats what we're seeing this year with the Mets.
  14. Yup. Still waiting for the Secret Service dudes to go under oath to refute Hutchison's testimony. I was told they were prepared. Remember all the breathless media coverage that was spread to undo the impact of her testimony based on the fact that "they were prepared to go under oath"? Was of course all BS to soften the blow of her testimony, and of course the MSM ate it hook line and sinker. I've also noticed the past week, instead of being laser focused on the crimes DT likely commited, a lot of the media narrative is how "Republican lawmakers demand the DOJ explain the raid". Who the F cares what Republican lawmaker demand? Why is that even a concern worth mentioning, never mind a headline on CNN?
  15. Nurture or Nature? Would he be anything special if he was a Tiger?
  16. I agree, unfortunately it’s hard to run on vitality and youth when you’re running Joe Biden. This country needs to move on from these old men.
  17. William Henry Harrison weeps from his grave
  18. Seems like Arch dropped his Fox talking points and booked. Shocking.
  19. Since when can teams trade picks?
  20. Andrew Luck, Barry Sanders and Calvin come to mind
  21. I remember the days of you giving play by play in the game threads! Happy Birthday!
  22. Unfortunately Utah is an exception, not the canary in the coal mine.
  23. Regardless how this all turns out, she sure is leaving a legacy for herself. All the other R hucksters will be forgotten and lost to history.
  24. Question is if he’ll go into the hall as aTiger or Astro
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