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Everything posted by ben9753

  1. Not if gas is 4.50 a gallon they won’t
  2. Yup. Exactly what happened with voter suppression laws. When Georgia passed theirs, there was outrage, MLB moved the All Star game and corporations all made statements. When other states followed with laws just as bad, you barely heard a peep.
  3. Cue the circus music. What a clown show
  4. It’s the fact that they are annoying to you. They couldn’t care less about the substance of the speeches. But they annoy libs. That’s priceless. It’s all a shtick. And they all know it.
  5. DD is a treasure. The best in the game
  6. Is the game gonna start on time?
  7. Prepare to be disappointed
  8. That’s a good deal for Cleveland. I’d much prefer him over Baez.
  9. I heard Miggy lost 50 lbs over the winter. And Inge tweaked his swing to make more contact. And Raburn is looking great at 2nd. And you never have to worry about Placido. Most underrated player in the game.
  10. Remember the Con media machines constant outrage over golf outings and teleprompters during the Obama years? Funny how those things became nonissues once Trump was in office.
  11. It’s been two days, no response. Lying as usual.
  12. Can you provide a link to where the media called for the 25th when Trump sipped water and walked down a ramp slowly?
  13. Is you’re on iOS I’d definitely go with AirPods. Then you have to choose between the OG pods and the pros. Personally, I like the regular ones, fits better in my ears, but most people seem to prefer the pros.
  14. Wow. Mike Laga. Thanks for the blast of nostalgia.
  15. The irony of Conservatives turning to government to protect them…
  16. Do you see Democratic state passing laws banning teachers from teaching things that would make them uncomfortable? Like was said here, typical Repub. "The government is not the solution, its the problem." Unless my feeling might get hurt.
  17. I agree, monetary incentives should not be tied to subjective and ill defined awards. Would make more sense to tie it to some combination of WAR and other stats. Of course the value of those stats are somewhat subjective, but at least they are well defined and not subject to writers emotional like or dislike for certain players/teams.
  18. I don’t find it funny in the least. There’s a good chance he’ll be president in 4 years.
  19. We were told to take him seriously not literally, right? What a crock. If he gets re-elected and has control of Congress, I fully expect him to amend the constitution to allow more than 2 terms.
  20. The Bengals reaching the SB is the only thing that can give a Lions fan hope. If the Bengals can do it, maybe the Lions can also.
  21. That’s insane. I thought that must be a mistake.
  22. “That was aah great aah play by Kris ahh Draper”
  23. Oh God. Are we becoming Facebook
  24. Yeah he has before. I think he was planning a North Korea style 4th of July parade that he canceled.
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