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Everything posted by ben9753

  1. https://twitter.com/NGrossman81/status/1477688016009375750?s=20
  2. Not to go all Pfife on you, but I’ll take your silence as an admission that you lied. That might work on your favorite right wing propaganda outlet, but that stuff doesn’t fly here. And of course I’m sure you and all your Trumpy friends will use this as more proof of how mean this board is to conservatives.
  3. Oesterle looked really lazy on that odd man rush that lead to the Bruins goal. Just floating behind his man.
  4. Where were we assured such a thing? Can you share a link?
  5. Great. Now Republicans should be on board on banning members of Congress from purchasing shares on the stock market. Not sure what your point is. This is all the more proof that it should be banned.
  6. Why not both?
  7. Tell me more about how election fraud is the greatest threat to democracy. These frauds would scrap the Constitution in the blink of an eye for an ounce of personal gain. What a disgrace
  8. It’s the Obama tan suit. Draw your own conclusions.
  9. Seems like every game goes to OT
  10. Gross. We need offense. Another Carl Everett / Jose Iglesias type of guy.
  11. Literally every argument they make comes down to false equivalency and lack of nuance, sprinkled with some whatsboutism. There’s nothing else there. Pay attention and you’ll see it over and over.
  12. When all you’re fed is Fox and Newsmax, you’re led to believe all liberals (aka anyone who doesn’t worship Trump) would like to abolish all prisons and set all criminals free. After all, Trump told us if Biden won, the suburbs would be overrun by violent criminals.
  13. I may have seen it here, but the smartest thing I’ve seen about Trump and his followers was this: There are two types of Trump voters, those that Trump uses and those that use Trump.
  14. Party of personal responsibility tells woman she made him do it.
  15. Try to do a hard refresh of the page. I think it’s control + F5
  16. The Dems need to learn to bring a gun to a gunfight. Enough of this bs.
  17. Defund the police I agree was and is a stupid slogan. But CRT wasn't a gift. It's not a thing. Republicans (ie Tucker Carlson) just made it up and decided it was a thing to feed the masses their red meat. Just like the Mexican Caravan of rapists and murderers.
  18. Too bad he can't play any games in Canada...
  19. What a beautiful shot by Seider.
  20. Yup. Any realistic chance for reparations were killed by John Wilkes Booth
  21. I’m so confused. I was told it was Antifa. Which means it was bad. But Stan is saying it wasn’t so bad. My head is spinning.
  22. I wonder what Truth translates to in Russian…
  23. Is this a monthly thing? Hasn’t he started half a dozen social media networks already?
  24. If you follow Tim Nichols on twitter, that’s basically his mantra.
  25. You’d have to write a web scraper. But the Governor of Missouri might prosecute you for hacking.
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