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Everything posted by ben9753

  1. The audio craps out when DD gets to excited.
  2. Now score some runs you losers!
  3. Can't expect to win if you can't knock in a leadoff double, no matter who's pitching
  4. Not much to say. We all know whats going to happen. Skub will dominate, we will win.
  5. Jack Flaherty getting lit up by SD
  6. Thanks guys. Starting of the new year feeling good.
  7. From your keyboard to Gods monitor!
  8. I'd love to see Jobe in a high pressure situation.
  9. I think we’ll see Jobe today.
  10. 70 pitches for Valdez
  11. Trey “Sweet Stroke” Sweeney
  12. Riley “Rally Killer” Greene
  13. Mildly surprised about Montero. Would take him over Mize right now.
  14. Good idea but that loopholes already been closed. https://www.sefaria.org/Mishnah_Yoma.8.9?lang=en#:~:text=all his days.-,With regard to one who says%3A I will sin and,he appeases the other person.
  15. They should try Joseph out at WR. The dude has hands
  16. Because of Rosh Hashanah I won't be able to see game 3. They better finish it in 2 games. Get 'err done!
  17. If there are any Godly people in those congregations they aught to report them for being political origizations and have their non for profit status revoked.
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