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monkeytargets39 last won the day on July 25

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  1. I’m calling it now: Skubal is sick of struggling with the Royals and is going to go into his start this series and pitch a shutout with double digit Ks while boastfully screaming after each one. Meanwhile we only win 1-0 off of a McKinstry double and advance to third on a throwing error and a Jake Rogers RBI ground out out to second.
  2. Yep. It was a great performance lost in a black hole of a season.
  3. Do what you will with a perfecto/no-no, but nobody better jinx the Reds right now
  4. im still mad at him for how they pitched to Delmon Young
  5. I remember that one but always forget Turnbull had one
  6. These are the offensive players they wouldn’t trade for Skubal?
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