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  1. After the trade deadline passed I believe Det was in line for a top 6 pick in the draft. I confess I thought things would go in an opposite direction than they did. The past decade clouded my lens. Incredible time to be a Tigers fan!
  2. The Tigers just took 8 of 9 (6 on the road) vs the Orioles, Royals and Rays. All with post season on the line. Crazy indeed!
  3. Like the 2003 Tigers, they don't want to get to 121 losses.
  4. The White Sox are closing out the year like the 2003 Tigers did. They don't want to set the record for losses. Still holding at 120 and they're beating the Angels today 5-0. The Tigers need to expect them to play hard during this final series, which I'm sure they will do
  5. Yes, so tragic. I still feel bad about Aurelio
  6. Ah yes, like the years I took note when Victor Reyes' ops climbed above .700 and it was significant. All of those AAAA years, finally in the rear view mirror. Chicago has a long rebuild coming
  7. Maybe Det can pluck Steve Stone from Chicago as well. Imho he paired very well with Benetti. When Det played Chicago in years past, I would often choose their broadcast to watch the games Edit - dangit, meant to post in Det regular season thread
  8. I could see his name popping up for potential manager positions. I hope Det does whatever it can to keep him long term
  9. I saw that.....and my immediate reaction was that I know Johnny realizes how fortunate he is to have that gig. I've enjoyed my career, but man, I'd love to have a job like that for Detroit sports
  10. AJ pushing all the right buttons. 4 diff DH, and in 4 PH they went 3-3 and a sac fly. And it's great to see Brieske emerge as a longer-term piece. Having guys like Holton and Brieske who can pitch at any point of the game and go longer than 1, so valuable. Had butterflies in my stomach for a Tigers game for the first time in many years
  11. Ohtani first player ever to hit 3 hr and have 2 sb in the same game
  12. It's crazy that Det is now just 4.5 games behind Baltimore.
  13. Baez and Zimmermann, both all-time busts. And I confess I was pumped with both signings when they happened.
  14. I think this run may impact free agency. Perhaps Det won't need to grossly overpay, and Det could emerge as a positive destination. Their run is hopefully/likely just beginning.
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