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  1. One mustn't underestimate the impact of the alp horn
  2. Love the deal - improves odds with their window with Skubal
  3. Nice Slaton reference. Still mad the Tigers lost Benji!
  4. He also plays the Alp Horn. 7 tools
  5. Very encouraging about Clark. Probably the best Tigers farm in decades. Who else was coming up when they had Maybin and Miller?
  6. Not even a toy bullpen car https://www.ebay.com/itm/356273065749?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=9QQjqESrRxy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=kqHvYtTeTyS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. Sitting on a tack. Not fun.
  8. I'm not sure what a fin is, but I'd be open to a friendly wager for a 1970s bullpen car, any team will do.
  9. I always wanted Wile E Coyote to catch the roadrunner, just once.
  10. The Dodgers are preparing to lure Fetter.
  11. I'm optimistic about the Tigers and am more confident in sustainable quality baseball. Part of me is still braced to lose Skubal, eventually Greene, etc. There hasn't been a situation yet to offer huge contracts. I suspect we'll see more Colt Keith like contracts. But I also think we as fans will also see any superstars move on following team control. Have to wait and see. Morris, Lou, Tram and Parish would have all past team control just prior to 1984. Different era altogether. Hot dogs are the same.
  12. If they are out of it, I suspect Harris will also field calls on Skubal.
  13. Mike Illitch and DD were all-in and willing to take risks. Made for one of the best decades in Tigers baseball. But also resulted in albatross contracts to aging, slowed vets, and ultimately one of the worst 7 year stretches in Tigers history. Harris seems on the other end of the spectrum. Very calculated. Bregman is just too much of a risk. I do sense they're going in a direction similar to Tampa. I actually hope not. I hope they'll take some risks. Flaherty would be a risk. Not a huge risk to jeopardize the future, but some risk. You can never have too much pitching.
  14. Nice bullpen pick-up. Now it's time to get Flaherty. Skubal is pushing for it. I'll throw in some baklava to get it done
  15. "And so it shall be!" - Charlton Heston, Ten Commandments
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