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  1. Man, was looking forward to watching this one, but alas it's an afternoon game and I'll be stuck in the office. Nonetheless, Go Tigers!!
  2. More familiar names in here, glad to see. Another name I remember well, JonBenke, whatever happened to him? Didn't he get released on the old board for some reason? Trying to think of others ... OldTimey, Tyrus, spikesglaring, Florida Tigers, The Truman Show .. dt35456884 .. shauntacular .. Of course there was estrepe (RIP), probably the greatest asset this board had back in the day. Really miss his posts. And really really miss the old MTS days! Seriously though, if somebody still has a copy of the picture of slicknickshady's new Tigers hat, sitting on his un-made bed, please post it. That was one of the most iconic images on here, back around 2005-2006.
  3. Appreciate the Welcome, everybody. It seems some remember me. So many great users in here. Trying to think of some of the other posters of the past .. Edman85, is he still around? kpking? DaBishop? I remember one guy I loved reading, I think his name was sabertooth, he always had a lot of interesting mathematical analysis on everything. And trying to remember funny stuff from the past. Remember that one guy TripleSeven or whatever, I can't remember how he formatted his username, but I remember he was the one who thought that Dave Dombrowski read his posts on the message board and took advice from him, he recognized his profile picture and even nodded to him at the stadium? I forget the full scenario. Then there was that other guy, his name was The_Strategy_Expert or something like that. He had some made up statistic, called the OE% which was apparently the ultimate way of rating the true value of a player to a team, but he wouldn't tell anybody what the formula was or how he came up with these numbers, claiming the formula was worth way too much money and he was holding onto it to sell to GMs to use. I'm trying to remember. Anyway it makes me happy to see that a lot of the old crowd are still around. Hopefully more people return like I did due to the excitement of this year.
  4. My apologies for not remembering all the names, these are just the ones I remembered off the top of my head.
  5. Hey Everybody, Not sure who remembers me, I was a regular on MotownSports and joined way back in like 2003. I remember the countless inside jokes over the years, SlickNickShady's 'hat on bed' pictures, Library Monkey/Titus Tigers famous animated gifs in the game threads. And so many more memories of the old days. I really miss all the sabremetric discussion. There were some really brilliant math-oriented people who used to post here. Hope there is still a lot of that. I remember most of the old posters, Yoda, Biff, Yooper, Chasf, Oblong, Tiger337, etc. I hope many of the old crowd is still around. Unfortunately, life just got in the way and I had to step away for a long time, but seeing this run the Tigers are making inspired me to make my return. Anyway, sorry for the useless thread, it will be the only one of it's type that I create, I just wanted to say I missed you all and am happy to be back.
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