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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. Kind of hard to underestimate how powerful and effective four-plus decades of “the federal government is evil and must be destroyed” rhetoric has been.
  2. Rank-and-file red hats are so far up right wing ass that they can’t possibly see past the canard that the CFPB is a Biden administration tool designed specifically to benefit special interests to abuse the goodwill of hardworking taxpayers, and which has been weaponized against opponents of Trump with its powers stretched in such a way as to threaten the liberty of the American people. No, seriously: https://americarenewing.com/issues/primer-the-cfpb-should-be-shut-down/
  3. Here’s Low’s bottom line:
  4. https://www.mlb.com/gameday/tigers-vs-yankees/2025/02/23/779054/final/wrap
  5. True though that might be, I wonder whether that's what they were thinking? Who knows.
  6. Maybe it's because people in need of organ donation generate more revenue than people do after they receive organ donations? That's the only reason that makes any sense in today's world.
  7. Nevertheless, why not
  8. Will they now try to shut down AI because it is anti-"free speech"? Or maybe require all AI development take place under the direct supervision of the Trump government?
  9. I think that number (b) point is an especial sore point for them. They may or may not be aware how much less government employees make than people int he private sector do, but when they hear anything about health benefits or 403(b) plan participation for taxpayer-funded government employees, those red hats see red.
  10. Not a few of them also experience chronic physical pain which constantly agitates them, and they end up lashing out in unpredictable ways. A lot of those folks end up blaming the government for any action which might help or at least not hurt immigrants while they themselves continue living with pain. I know someone exactly like this.
  11. Didn’t you just know that (a) his example wasn’t going to be anything like what’s happening to federal workers now; and (2) he was going to imply he was happy to have it happen?
  12. Plus, these new companies run by the Trump Musk inner circle oligarchs will end up hiring all these people who have been furloughed at a third to half less of what they make now, but now with the elimination of certain employment and retirement protections and a severe reduction of others. And the best part will be, taxes on all of us outside the upper 1% will increase to pay for it all.
  13. I’ve had a bunch of ****ty jobs in my day, but even I never experienced such chaos, confusion, and cruelty like this in any of them. And I’m not talking only about the email from FElon.
  14. Stupid libtard Oklahoma, amirite?
  15. Whom exactly will this guy kill for “sir”? That includes a wide swath of possibilities.
  16. I wonder whether the warming weather coupled with with the continued atrocious assaults on democracy in American will start bringing out the protests. I would guess it would take one catalyst event that touches nerves and gets social media traction. It might take something along the lines of announcing the complete privatization of social security and/or Medicare, and putting Elon in charge of making that happen.
  17. Agree. Too bad there are hardly any competitive distrcits.
  18. I thought that was my heel role here! 😁 And yes—what about Obama? Do you want to go back to the tyranny of no entertainment value from chaos, confusion, and cruelty from the White House?
  19. He called in on the Democrats line.
  20. Do most congressional reps do town halls? I had to do a search whether mine has done any, and she did one, out in Wheaton, in August 2023. Nothing on the calendar coming up. A daughter of Guatemalan immigrants doing a town hall out in Wheaton. I wonder how that went.
  21. Perhaps not as much as if people were getting news on X about it.
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