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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. Seeing that the full squad reports this morning, the offseason is now officially over for everybody and spring training begins in earnest! Let's start the thread with an injury update from this morning.
  2. I was in high school at the time, and I don’t remember this to be the case, although I don’t think I got into SNL until I started delivering pizzas when I was a junior in high school, Because the guys would put it on the small TV in the back room while they were making dough and folding boxes. That would’ve been during the 1977-78 school year, which would’ve been season three, so it was definitely running on channel 4 at that time.
  3. NHLPA might differ with you on that.
  4. Javy is not blocking anyone long term, although a renaissance could have him here for three more years. If that’s going to be the case, I hope we can get a couple wins a year out of the guy.
  5. I rather like what the NHL is doing with the four nations tournament. It gives you something to root for assuming you have a stake in one of the countries playing, and the players are playing hard to win. The NBA, though, with the Team Chuck and the Team Shaq thing—never mind the zero defense part, but who am I supposed to root for here? What do I have a stake in? Why do I care? NFL’s flag football thing is even worse. That’s theater, not competition. Although I don’t know if I’d want a real football game, either. Bunch of guys loping around trying to not touch anyone else because they don’t want to get hurt playing a game worth literally nothing.
  6. Wait—Joe Louis Arena? I thought they were in Pontiac.
  7. Thread title scared me. I thought I was gonna hear he passed away or something.
  8. I think that’s kind of a double-edged sword. Javy would finally be back on the field and not a complete sub-replacement sinkhole, but on the other hand, if he does limp along at about a 0.5 WAR pace—a big improvement for him, sure—I’m afraid we’d be inclined to keep running him out there at the expense of playing time for a potentially on-the-rise shortstop whose projection runs about a win above that. Of course, Sweeney might collapse this year, too. That could happen. But point being, if we do play Javy on the regular, I hope he has an Indian Summer season of 2+ WAR, to remove all doubt of what else might have been.
  9. Oh, so you’re the guy! 😂 That can be mostly solved by swinging out wide in the parking lot row before going into a parking space.
  10. Points for style in parking lots. This is when you drive down a crowded parking lot row and you see a car pulling out and you think, cool, there’s a spot opening up. But just as they pull almost all the way out, they drive right back in, apparently so their car can be as straight as they can. They’re trying to rack up points for style.
  11. Speaking of the opening credits, it was shot at a very specific moment in time when gasoline, which had been well into the dollar-something-a-gallon range for several years, suddenly experienced a drop in price and for a very short time, maybe a few weeks, gas across the country was sub-a-dollar a gallon before going back up and eventually into the stratosphere, never to return. In the sequence, as Tony is driving back home to Jersey, he passes a Sunoco or a Texaco or something, and the price on the sign is ninety-something cents, so that specific point in time is captured for posterity.
  12. The funny part to me about this assessment is that the Sopranos is being compared to a show that exists in its current form only because of how the Sopranos influenced and changed TV. I don’t mean this as a knock on the post or the poster, just that, to oblong’s point, it is hard to fathom just how groundbreaking the Sopranos was at the time it came out, since there had been literally nothing like it before.
  13. I remember at the time thinking they could have done 14 or so seasons, one for each year prohibition actually ran for. They certainly could have gotten a lot more mileage out of it, and maybe that was their stretch goal for the series. I seem to remember they had to wrap it up in a hurry because it was suddenly canceled, so the time jump from the early middle of prohibition all the way to the end was pretty jarring. I’ll probably go back and rewatch it at some point because it was otherwise so damn great.
  14. Sounds like they’re being judgmental, broadly assumptive, and presumptuous.
  15. But hey, we have the Gulf of America now! We are great again!
  16. Not necessarily. Maybe the Tigers require their players to upload video of their swings during the offseason so coaches can review it and feed back. (I think I even read that somewhere although I'm not inclined to run around trying to find a link.) And maybe they require the players to view the video before they upload it and provide the coaches their own impressions of their own swings in order to make the process a collaborative dialogue between them, versus a top-down distillation of coach-to-player instruction. I admit this one is just ... ahem ... baseless speculation on my part, but it wouldn't surprise me if that were the case. Would that surprise you? Maybe that's not the way everyone would do it, but if this is the case, it would certainly be the Tigers' prerogative to establish who has the primary task of assessing video, right? And it may well be on the players, most of whom are not exactly in a position to throw up their hands and protest, "hey, itsa no my job". After all, coaches can't travel to all of however many players' offseason homes at all times to work with them on their swings on a one-on-one basis. So why wouldn't a team require players, especially those with swing issues—which is probably most of them—take an active role in creating, uploading, and assessing video of their own swings? I also don't think ballplayers have to be necessarily university-educated in kinesiology to have a good idea of how their bodies actually move versus how they should move. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that players on balance know a lot more about body movement dynamics than some folks give them credit for. After all, their careers depend on knowing this. And theirs is a much more savvy tech generation than any that have come before them.
  17. lol, oh really? I have directed nothing toward you, the person—I even said you'd made a good point about Tork—and yet you are offended by my opinion and are taking it very hard, and weirdly personally, and insulting me in the process. I guess trying to make sense of that is also a fool's errand. Look, we can stop here and part friends if you want. I'd rather, if you don't mind.
  18. Accuracy is not the point.
  19. I think people like these are outliers. People are getting exactly what they voted for, and it's not the economy.
  20. Just can’t quit me, huh? 🤣 Well, first of all, I was not “acting as if pure assumptions are fact.” My post was littered with qualifiers such as “I suppose”, “I think”, and “I believe”. If I was stating something as though it were fact, I wouldn’t have used any of those qualifiers. Secondly, you’re not going to succeed at shaming me for spouting my opinion on an Internet opinion board, so you might as well stop trying to do that and go back to talking about the Tigers instead. 😁
  21. I would bet it’s easier and more effective for a coach to watch the video and then show the video to the hitter and point out what he sees and give him the coaching with the visual aid, than it is for the coach to watch the video and keep the video away from the hitter and then try to explain what he saw on the video and then give him his coaching without the visual aid.
  22. And the funny part is they are so far up their own ass on it that there is no chance they can step back and see it for what it is.
  23. is the Alarmist Non-sense part? Are we having Alarmist Non-sense yet?
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