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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. So the rumor mill says maybe we didn’t offer 6/171 to Bregman? You don’t say.
  2. I figured once they threw 6/144 at Baez, and then even after that Ilitch still spent millions on infrastructure at the behest of the new guy, the team would be willing to pony up for the right guy. It still baffles me why they would have thought Bregman was that right guy. Maybe he could have been for 2025, even 2026. Probably not so much from 2027 on. But lots of fans wanted him, especially early on in the process, because you know how we fans can be when we are super laser focused on winning this year. “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die …” As for the environment tilted way to pitchers, I am definitely on the side of evening that out, and sooner than later, and if that means making the home bullpen ten feet wider than it is now, I’m down. The Orioles realized their mistake and changed, so it can be done.
  3. A lot of people on the old board were arguing that 15 years ago. Imagine how it felt to watch the Tigers rushing in the opposite direction. I think that particular front office was snowed by that generational SP talent we had in the early 2010s, especially 2013. “Oh, this is easy. We can do this all the time forever.”
  4. Pete Hegseth just gave away Poland as Trump's gift to Putin.
  5. "Russian cybercriminal in exchange for American schoolteacher? Seems fair to me. Then we get to try to teacher here for cultural crimes he surely committed against children. Win win! Make America Great Again!"
  6. That might be a self-inflicted Kroger problem (or Kroger strategy, if you prefer). I don't see same problem at Jewels or Pete's.
  7. Eggs at the Kroger near me have been decently stocked, although they've had a standing limit of two cartons per purchase. I make egg-white omelettes for my wife and me for weekend breakfast and I go through an 18-pack each weekend, plus, I hard boil a pack of twelve so i can eat two egg whites each morning during the week. That's basically 30 eggs per week. So, yeah, I'm egg-forward and this is kinda sorta affecting me.
  8. Depends on the pitcher and his skill set.
  9. AdGuard is great if you're a Mac person and use Safari across platforms. If you're PC person and use Firefox across platforms, not so much. The site is borderline unusable on iPhone. I will click a link to reply or go to a thread and will get a pop-up ad for some game. Then close the ad and go back to where I was where I will see a creep-down ad. I will click the up arrow to make that recede to the top and then I get the game pop-up ad again. Then I close that ad again and go back to where I was to start with. Then I click the link again and get the pop-up ad again, then close the ad and return to the top of the page, from which I have to scroll down to where I was to start with. Interestingly, though, the site is far less problematic on iPad. Get a pop-up ad, close it, and you're fine. Or at least I'm fine. I don't know about you. 😁
  10. Maybe he doesn't. Or maybe he does. One or the other. Pitchers can and have dramatically improved once they've gotten here. We'll see whether the Fetter team see anything in him we don't.
  11. Obviously, there's one and only one answer to this problem: shut down the USDA so we don't have to hear about it.
  12. My buddy is not exactly OK with Cora but he has made his uneasy peace with that.
  13. He’ll be the next Mark Twain prize recipient.
  14. Yeah, “conflict of interest” is the nicest milquetoasty way you can put it.
  15. Oh, he knows. He’s just trying to gaslight you.
  16. Are your browser settings preventing it somehow? I use Firefox on all my platforms and it’s working fine at the moment.
  17. Barring abject collapse or injury, Brebbia will make the team. That won’t be an open question. It’s not as though these guys are all fighting for the last spot in the pen. Most of the guys you list are coming north.
  18. I have a Red Sox fan buddy who is not exactly happy with the signing, mainly because of Bregman’s involvement with the trash can scheme. He also hates A.J. Hinch for the same reason and is dumbfounded as to why I am not screaming every day for Hinch’s head on a platter.
  19. Circle May 12 on the calendar. I may come in for that.
  20. I don’t disagree, but that was the persistent reporting from multiple sources, so assuming that’s true, it makes no sense he spend seven years in Detroit instead of six, versus three in Boston. The bottom line is, there’s no way he was ever coming to Detroit. The ballpark is death to right handed power hitters. It would’ve hurt his stats to come here, and if there’s one thing Alex Bregman is concerned about more than anything else, it’s his stats. Because there is no way that the Red Sox are in a dramatically better position—or in any better position at all—to make the playoffs than the Tigers are. So if it’s really about winning, he just went to the worse bet.
  21. Good depth pickup, then. Nothing wrong with that. A team needs decent guys in the front of their bullpen, too.
  22. Fine. Clearly he was never, ever coming here. And if he didn’t want to do six years in Detroit versus three years in Boston, why would he want to do seven years in Detroit versus three years of Boston? It makes no sense. Whatever. Now we can move on.
  23. I like the pickup. He’s got good chase and K rates and his walk rates are solidly average. His results metrics look like they could be bad luck, which is supported by the fact that his WAR of 0.1 was way better than his RA9-WAR of -0.9. I get what they see in him. I’m kind of optimistic.
  24. I don’t think he even makes it there. Those comments also drastically reduces the number of teams who will give us any kind of good return for him.
  25. Yeah, that’s the last straw right there. Tork’s gone.
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