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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. Next up: a lawsuit against the Marxist stock market to crashing TSLA on purpose.
  2. What does it say? How do they mean this? I don’t do audio so please tell me.
  3. He’s high up enough to where he can feast on Anna Cathcart and Tate McRae.
  4. Yes, this.
  5. Because they all think authoritarianism will punish the other guy, while they get to enjoy the trains running on time. This is akin to how Trump is literally like God to these people: Trump is anything they want it to be, and they envision Trumpism as being nothing but beneficial to them in a surgical way. Same with authoritarianism. They envision it as being hurtful, injurious, and fatal only to people they want destroyed, while they themselves come out smelling like roses with a brand new mansion and a pocket full of crypto.
  6. How can black flag right wingers, acting as black flag operatives on behalf of the Trump government, be prevented from coming in to disrupt the peacefulness of the protests?
  7. Ergo, the black flag operatives.
  8. I’m pretty confident Jobe will come in as a fourth starter, and that the fifth slot will be up to Mazda or Mize to win it. I think Mazda is the favorite since, believe it or not, Mize is still optionable.
  9. If you want to add Steinbrenner to your list of venues in which you’ve seen big league games, you should probably go next month.
  10. I posted during the first administration that I believed Justin boinked Ivanka.
  11. I don’t see the violence coming from the left side. They’re not the ones with the guns and the rage issues.
  12. This is a surefire way to get people comfortable working for a criminal gang: pay them really, really well.
  13. Any protests are guaranteed to become violent. Black flag operatives will see to that. Just as with the BLM gatherings.
  14. See, I like this place because I get to say whatever I want about my aches and pains. That’s why I love you old ****ers. 😁
  15. That would be 12 million people in the US.
  16. The more these people make it look like they’re being attacked, the more they can justify extreme actions to contain the “attackers”.
  17. Manning may have been showing one of those flashes the one time one of Avila’s eyeball scouts saw him throw in a game.
  18. That’s why I try to hang out with people in their 30s. I can’t talk about this with them!
  19. That’s something that an antitrust exemption allows: force a proprietor to divest himself of his property.
  20. They haven’t mentioned that to me, but my next elder brother had it last spring, and he has experienced all kinds of complications. Still is. I feel so bad for him.
  21. There is no way this kid took Vlad by surprise. Vlad knows who Jobe is, Vlad wanted to hit him, and Vlad couldn’t. You’re right. There’s no way you send that talent back to Toledo.
  22. It is never not ironic. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, all that. Something else to keep in mind is “feature, not bug.”
  23. I have no problem with anyone who runs the game thread. I can always “show this post” if I want to see it.
  24. I had three surgeries on my right knee between 2013 and 2018. The first was a meniscus repair; the second an ACL repair; and the most recent a combination ACL repair/meniscectomy. I PT’ed the knee each time like it’s my job, and now my knee feels great, if not 100%. No pain, but every once in a while, I’ll move in such a way that I am reminded how easy it would be to reoffend.
  25. Are you additionally chalking this up to coaching doesn’t know what they’re doing, or pitcher isn’t good enough to save?
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