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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. And now he’s into it
  2. How about that They Not Like Us head fake
  3. At this point it seems as though the only open question is whether Kendrick Lamar implies Drake is a pedophile during the halftime show
  4. To the degree public opinion can slow them down or stop them, I’m all for it. To your implied point, pushing back on them makes it that much harder for them to move their agenda along. This is related to a discussion I was having with someone about the NFL’s decision to remove the “stop racism” phrase from their end zones. His thing was, what’s the point of it because it’s not as though racists are going to change their minds by seeing a trite phrase on a sports telecast. My rebuttal was that the phrase isn’t there to change racists’ minds—those people are, as Ernie Harwell might intone, loooong gone. The phrase is there to remind the rest of us, the rest of society, that ending racism is a worthy goal we should never let slip out of mind, and as long as this is an idea that’s explicitly in the public thinking, that makes it that much harder for the racists to act out in a way that embarrasses us all as a society. And, flip side, remove the phrase, remove the idea from top-of-mind discourse, and that makes it so much easier for the racists to act out, to shape public thinking with their retrograde ideas, and to eventually take over. Same thing applies to pushing back on the regime. The more we push back, the harder it is for them to get us all where they want us to be. It’s a worthy crusade on our part. I acknowledge I occasionally descend into a doom spiral here on this forum, and I strongly suspect it makes you roll your eyes. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop pushing back and simply roll over and give up, even if I’m already dead. After all, if someone’s already dead, they have even less to lose, right?
  5. And it might not be merely a bunch of ragtag incels next time.
  6. Once they’re in, public opinion doesn’t concern fascist regimes.
  7. I think they fully considered it.
  8. Maybe they won’t let the intellectuals leave America. Can’t humiliate them if they land on their feet somewhere else. That would be a big avoidable L for the regime.
  9. Curing cancer is faggoty horse****? That’s my best guess.
  10. It hurts people, and hurting people is a power trip. Bullies figured that out in grade school.
  11. Counterpoint: they’re in now so just try getting them out.
  12. The question is whether his public is more interested in fixing the economy than in making libtards cry. The latter is everything to them.
  13. I do believe, based on nothing more than what’s in my head after all I’ve read, that Harris et al went into the offseason giving Tork one last honest chance to prove he’s on board with whatever program they developed for him, probably with a healthy dose of skepticism and expecting not much. They gave Tork the chance to dig himself out of the hole and saw very quickly it wasn’t going to happen, and so, here we are. As evidenced by the fact that a week out from pitchers and catchers, no news is coming out about him and his role in the organization. I’m not sure even sending Tork to Toledo would be a good move at this point, because do we want him down there vibing bad around the rest of the talent we have there? So I think we have to move Tork before Opening Day, and I am starting to think we might have to take what we can get for him. A former 1/1 should typically return some substantial above-the-fold talent, but given how public as our moving on from him has been, we might optimistically have to trust Harris to end up with a Flaherty Dodger deal return featuring below-the-radar players that everyone will pan at first, but will come around on halfway into the season.
  14. But he won’t play first base! Or so I hear! Fail!
  15. How is this not fascism?
  16. And this is good how?
  17. Red hats don’t even care how ignorant they come off in public anymore. Even that is a feature and not a bug.
  18. This. This right here. This is what the red hats voted for. This, the banning of ten specific athletes from participating in the stuff of everyday life, the renaming of geological landmarks, all of that. As long as he keeps giving them this, the red hats will gladly sit back and watch them set fire to our constitutional rights, our democracy, the economy, the all of it, satisfied that at least they got what they see as the most important things they voted for.
  19. They will keep attacking and attacking and attacking democracy until they finally beat it to death, or until they are finally beaten to death. No compromise, no in-between.
  20. That’s news to me, too. The way I remember it, they wanted to sign a second baseman once they decided they needed to move Colt Keith to first to cover for Tork who is playing himself out of a career.
  21. I’d be more concerned with him in the field if we committed more than a year to him. As a stopgap while we wait for McGonigle, I think he’s at least adequate.
  22. People like getting high off their own supply.
  23. This is the first I’ve heard that the Tigers signed Torres to play first and he’s refused. That’s news to me.
  24. If you think Patrick Wisdom and jake Bauers are anything like Carlos Santana, then you haven't watched much baseball lately. 😉 In all seriousness, there was already going to be a time soon that Colt Keith was going to have to be moved to first base. If that's the case, might as well start the future of him there now, versus cycling numerous sub-replacement players through the position for the next however many years.
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