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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. No way is this going to get by the Trump people. It's going to get strangled in the crib.
  2. It wasn't a player currently in the major leagues, so baseball had no incentive to shield the guy.
  3. Between this and stopping payment of all federal grants and loans as duly appropriated by Congress, if SCOMAGA were to undermine the principles of separation of powers as explicitly delineated in the US Constitution by upholding each of these, then there is no other way to put it: we will have become a monarchy. Full stop.
  4. Congratulations to 2025 All-Star starter Alex Faedo.
  5. Yeah, I’ve been hearing a lot about that system the last couple weeks and I kept thinking there’s no way Trump is going to allow that to stay operational.
  6. Stop trying to make me hope! It won't work! 😂 We won without him. We can do it again. And if we don't win, then we can lose with him as well. That's the way it goes with replacement-level pitchers. They add nothing. I will believe he will help when he actually comes in and helps.
  7. I'll believe it when I see it. In the meantime, he might as well be Austin Bergner. 🤷‍♀️
  8. I taught myself a fair amount of French some years ago and refreshed a bit before going to Quebec. The first and only time I tried to stumble through an exchange in French with someone, they replied in rapid-fire French and ended their reply with what obviously was a question. At that point I had to give up the ghost on the whole thing, admit I was just trying but was not good in French, and he smiled slyly and continued on in English. It was embarrassing, but I wasn't mad. I deserved that.
  9. I was in Sydney (Australia, not Nova Scotia) some years ago and walked into a store apparently run by an Asian lady. I took something to the counter to buy and tried to make light jokey conversation with her. She seemed somewhat nonplussed—she clearly wasn't used to that kind of thing from customers. Then she asked, "You American?" Because really, who else but an American would be so bold and brazen? And I could sense in a microsecond that it would be suboptimal if she thought I were, so thinking fast for a change, I replied, "ah, Canadian actually." And she smiled and said, "ahhh, Canadian, good!" It wasn't complete cosplaying on my part. I did grow up in north Windsor, and I did take a Canada History course at Michigan State as an elective. Got a 3.0, too.
  10. My experience in small town Quebec and Quebec City was that if I asked people parlez-vous anglaIs and they could, they would. I remember only one time going into some small store and the clerk claimed no English. I also learned that being an American in Quebec was an advantage over being a Canadian anglophone.
  11. Nobody talks to people. That's why everybody has come to hate everybody else.
  12. I could see Bregman signing a very similar contract now. Whatever it is—two, three, four years, whatever—I think it will have an opt-out after each year.
  13. I'm practically on the complete opposite end of this: Mize is not factoring into my thinking about the 2025 Tigers even a little. It's like he's not even on the team to me.
  14. I agree. We can’t proactively forgive them when they don’t even want it and then beg them to accept it and join us.
  15. It’s not that they don’t have the brainpower, or more exactly, never had the brainpower. They weren’t educated properly. That’s the real problem. No history, no civics, nothing requiring critical thinking. And that being the case, you’re right—they’re long gone.
  16. Changing their hearts would require them changing their minds, meaning, admitting they were wrong all along. Really tall order, and I would guess that practically no one is close to admitting they’re wrong yet.
  17. Wen it comes to the money, it’s not about our economy. It was never about our economy. It is always about his net worth. They control all the money we paid in. Now it’s theirs, unless/until someone can stop them, someone like the courts, the civil service, or (*giggle*) Congress.
  18. Apparently he believes he should not have to entice advertisers to give him money. Maybe he’s like, what’s the point of owning a government if you can’t just force them to pay up?
  19. They won’t release Maeda because you can never have too much pitching.
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