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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. I could see Bregman signing a very similar contract now. Whatever it is—two, three, four years, whatever—I think it will have an opt-out after each year.
  2. I'm practically on the complete opposite end of this: Mize is not factoring into my thinking about the 2025 Tigers even a little. It's like he's not even on the team to me.
  3. I agree. We can’t proactively forgive them when they don’t even want it and then beg them to accept it and join us.
  4. It’s not that they don’t have the brainpower, or more exactly, never had the brainpower. They weren’t educated properly. That’s the real problem. No history, no civics, nothing requiring critical thinking. And that being the case, you’re right—they’re long gone.
  5. Changing their hearts would require them changing their minds, meaning, admitting they were wrong all along. Really tall order, and I would guess that practically no one is close to admitting they’re wrong yet.
  6. Wen it comes to the money, it’s not about our economy. It was never about our economy. It is always about his net worth. They control all the money we paid in. Now it’s theirs, unless/until someone can stop them, someone like the courts, the civil service, or (*giggle*) Congress.
  7. Apparently he believes he should not have to entice advertisers to give him money. Maybe he’s like, what’s the point of owning a government if you can’t just force them to pay up?
  8. They won’t release Maeda because you can never have too much pitching.
  9. I can think of two ways: He’s hurt. He sucks. Each are squarely within the range of outcomes. It more than kind of stinks I have to root for him to opt out.
  10. Flaherty at 2/35. I don’t love the player opt out, but yeah, I’m down.
  11. Yes, this is exactly what I was talking about with a friend last night. Prices for everything could double in the next month and B*S will cook the numbers to come out to 1%.
  12. But then liberals are unhappy, so, big win for him? Just spitballing on that one.
  13. The details of any plan this winter is between the team and Tork. Harris doesn't lip off about that kind of thing like we got used to Avila doing. I would be shocked to learn that this front office had no idea what Tork's been doing this winter and simply pulled the decision to move Colt to first base out of their ear. My guess is after monitoring Tork for the first two months of the offseason, they were dissatisfied with the results and made it clear they are cutting bait on him. I'd bet money they've been actively shopping him around.
  14. It's not unusual for LHHs to have dramatic platoon shifts versus LHPs. It's considered somewhat less unacceptable given how about only a third of total plate appearances take place against LHPs. A RHH hitter couldn't survive for long in the majors having the same split problems against RHPs.
  15. Thing is, if we do deal for Paredes, we'd essentially be betting on getting his three arb years at third for us and writing off Jace Jung as a future possibility for the position—unless we plan on moving Jung back to second, where he didn't play even a single pitch all last year.
  16. I read his post less as faulting Carpenter for getting hurt so much* than as a general observation that as long as he does get hurt for several weeks at a stretch every year, his utility to us is limited and consequently difficult to depend on. * - Unless Carpenter is consistently doing something off-book that leads to his injury. Then yeah, it would be his fault.
  17. As a NRI? Sure, why not? With a guaranteed major league contract? Uhhhh ...
  18. You mean like they controlled him the first time around? lol
  19. Yeah, I too couldn’t help but notice the guy who pledged to stay away, to whom I wished all the best on the way out, now coming back to laugh at America emptying its clip into its own foot. I wouldn’t mind hearing now how all this is making America great, but as we know, none of this is about actually making anything in America great except the Trump crew’s offshore bank accounts. Stripping America for parts. Isn’t that great.
  20. The only thing I don’t agree with here is at the very end where he says Canada’s “closest friends and neighbors are choosing to target” them. That’s not who’s targeting them.
  21. I promise you that it will be not only things from other countries rising in cost. Things made in the United States will also increase to prices to fill the void in price between them and foreign goods. Obviously. Book it.
  22. Seems pretty clear the Trump administration would not be moving to keep information away from us unless they were trying to do something bad or evil.
  23. The Washington Generals made money.
  24. Saying that Al Avila sucked without saying the actual words “Al Avila sucked”.
  25. Going through my photos, and for some reason, I took a picture of this. Two weeks in, and only one of these things have not happened. Yet.
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