I see it a little differently, and I'm responding to the whole board here, not just you.
I see the Torres signing as a way to get wins from a marketplace in which there is no perfect solution, and in which even the best solutions, at this moment, require exorbitant expense and commitment that will impact decision-making for the next half decade, especially given there are still so many other holes around the roster to fill. I don't think Harris thought we were assured enough of a certain playoff spot in 2025 to where signing such expensive talent would be the difference between crapping out in early October and playing into November.
I also don't think Harris merely enny-meeny-miney-moed Torres out of the discount bin at Walmart because he's cheap, and also, wants to bull**** fans and Ilitch into thinking he's doing something when all he's really doing is arranging deck chairs until the Dodgers call with a job offer.
Based on his track record so far, I am willing to give Harris the benefit of the doubt that he has a plan to win both now and in the future, until he demonstrates to me that he has no idea what he's doing. When he does demonstrate that, then I will get on board with some of the others here about him. But I don't believe he's at that point yet, especially just because he hasn't signed a particular guy or two yet.
I know everyone is sick of the waiting, and yes, the waiting is the hardest part. But some of us still remember how Dombrowski traded away the top of the farm system, and Papa Doc routinely empty the Brinks truck, in a failed attempt to win a ring with a team that was never once the best in the game (2013 being the closest), and how it hamstrung us once he bailed and the torch was passed to someone who was merely Peter-principled into the job and then smashed the franchise into the rocks within seven years. Speaking only for myself, I don't want to see a repeat of that, I'm glad Harris is not working on a repeat of that, and I'm willing to give him a chance to prove he can do the job until, again, he proves to me that he can't. If that makes me a dip**** slappy in the eyes of some, well, can't be helped.