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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. I don’t believe the contribution of a position player to a game is the same as the contribution of a pitcher to a game, in terms of winning. I think a pitcher has way more impact on winning across 30 games than any position player does across the same 30 games.
  2. I’m not so sure the Tigers have so much talent of a chance to sign Bregman. I think the only way we get him is that we are literally the last team standing.
  3. I wanted Miggy‘s contract to come off the books so we could put a better bat in his slot.
  4. This is not the same as Presley would block a trade to 29 other teams and accept a trade only to the Cubs. I read this as meaning that of the three teams named that showed interest—Cubs, Tigers, or Blue Jays—the only possible trade partner remaining would be the Cubs.
  5. That was speculative specific to the question you had ask, not a declarative statement by me.
  6. Move Paredes to second and put Bregman at third (although it would certainly be better for them to put Bregman at second instead), and Altuve sucks at second now. His idea, not mine.
  7. I agree with this, although I doubt that would entail Harris and Baby Doc hamstring the team in years 3-5 just so we can win in years 1 and 2. That would be more of a Dombrowski/Papa Doc move. Plus, Harris is already on record as not wanting to block Jace Jung. If Bregman wants to come here on a one-year prove-it pillow deal, I'd guess Harris/Ilitch would be all over that.
  8. So does Altuve, who has said he will move to left field specifically if the Astros sign Bregman, and now that the Astros have traded both Tucker and Pressly, they have the payroll flexibility to sign him. My not-so-bold prediction now is that Bregman ends up back in Houston.
  9. How do I know what, exactly? I can answer when I know what you're asking.
  10. lol slamming Harris for manipulating the fan base into thinking we actually wanted to trade for Pressly when all Harris really wants to do is work with Baby Doc to drive the payroll down to zero and destroy the franchise for good. 😉 I've read multiple stories about this and I see nothing indicating the Pressly wanted to go to only the Cubs and not to any of the other 29 teams. I saw where the Blue Jays had interest but a lot of players don't want to go to Toronto, either. So yeah, I agree we're not being singled out, but the fact is he didn't want to come to Detroit, and that's all the headline says.
  11. I don't understand what's so misleading in the headline. The Astros and the Tigers talked trade, Pressly rejected it, as is his right. What are you seeing that I'm not? In any event, I'm not hanging my hat on some writer's "bold prediction" which, practically by definition, has nothing of substance to validate it.
  12. Only because there is literally nothing else from anyone else they would sign for? That's especially true of a right-handed hitter in Comerica.
  13. What, you missed Trump's proclamation that the country must now be spelled with a "u"?
  14. chasfh

    MAP PR0N!

    Honestly, I can't tell how those literacy scores stack up against the rest of the world! I can't suss out any context! 😂
  15. When it comes to signing Bregman or any other elite talent for that matter, I imagine this kind of thing hurts us. If a guy can block a trade to us just so he can go to a Big Six team, that really limits our chances to get good via free agency, at least for the time being: Some players, maybe most players, just want nothing to do with Detroit. And we're not alone: there are probably a dozen or so other teams in the same boat as we. In light of this, the whole idea that Juan Soto might have ever signed with Detroit because we kicked in a couple more bucks seems beyond absurd. So, I would be really surprised to learn that either Scott Harris wants to sign Bregman for five years, and that Bregman would want to sign for Detroit for five years. If he does come to Detroit—and that's looking increasingly unlikely—I can't imagine it would be for any more than a one-year prove-it pillow contract. And you know what? That might be exactly what Harris would be looking for from him as well, given that we have a guy in the system we hope will be ready for third base no later than 2026.
  16. I'm usuaklly of the mind that I want the team that beat me to win the whole thing—you know, it took the champs to beat us, and all.
  17. chasfh

    MAP PR0N!

    Hey, @smr-nj, why the sad face? is your county in the lowest tier? Looks to me like Jersey is cleaning up in the literacy sweepstakes.
  18. Anybody else kind of sort of rooting for Washington to go all the way?
  19. I hear ya. I have almost completely stopped talking politics with people IRL, especially strangers, and even with my family. There's one guy I talk with where it comes up and we're of the same mind, but I get weary even then of my own doom-spiraling, and I usually end up telling him, OK, that's enough of that. Probably because he's still pretending things are completely normal and the mid-terms will offer Trump a rebuke in a free and fair election. We'll see, but if it doesn't, I don't think it will because the voters will gladly put them right back in, let's put it that way. This area is basically my only outlet, because I get to articulate my thoughts far more precisely than I can otherwise.
  20. Yes, the infamous aluminum block.
  21. He doesn't have Dombrowski's or Avila's MO, that's for sure.
  22. He's clearly become an operative. Why are people giving him so much air?
  23. chasfh

    MAP PR0N!

    Check out how your county ranks: https://usafacts.org/articles/which-states-have-the-highest-and-lowest-adult-literacy-rates/
  24. I think everyone understands that today's Republicans are yesteryear's Dixiecrats.
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