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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. Vikings players and fans might be literally salivating watching this game. And I mean “literally” literally.
  2. In all fairness, they need a fourth-round-level punter.
  3. Look, I acknowledge this isn’t the SOLs anymore, but when you have to go this deep into the chart to find guys to start, the result is going to be the same. At this rate, the season ends on January 12.
  4. I only know of what he did on the field, which wasn't very good, so that's all I had to go on. I'd bet he was a very nice fellow who was good to his family and loved children and dogs.
  5. A guy who could neither hit nor field. In fact, Sutherland is one of only 19 non-pitchers in big league history who played at least 1,000 games and had both negative overall WAR and negative defensive WAR. At least he escaped the ignominy of having negative offensive career WAR, something his teammate Dan Meyer couldn't escape. Yuliesky Betancourt was the last players to populate that list of nineteen. Based on what we know about baseball WAR now, we may never see another.
  6. Walt Whitman.
  7. From the Department of The Story That Just Wouldn't Die Already: In a bid to not repeat the hubristic mistake I made a couple weeks ago with the Fox News debacle (insert joke of choice here), this time I waited for the segment to actually air before sharing it here. This three-minute interview ran on the NewsNation cable network this morning on their Morning in America program. Despite appearances, Markie Martin is not grilling me relentlessly in this thumbnail, and I am not recoiling in horror for being Dunning-Krugered. You may not care about me or the story one way or other, but I hope you at least respect that I'm properly representin' here.
  8. It wasn't directed at Del.
  9. To the degree high school was ever about teaching students critical thinking skills, that went out the window when they ****-canned the civics courses that were fairly common during the mid-20th Century, and just about gone by the mid 70s when I got to high school. Now they want to turn college into the same thing. They want to make college essentially business trade school. They don't want colleges and universities to teach students how to think, because they don't want people to be able to think things through. That goes against their interests. Make it harder to find humanities courses by keeping them focused on bookkeeping courses. Preemptive reply: everyone knows who they are.
  10. I will be traveling all day that day and into the next morning. On purpose.
  11. I was right about at least one thing: nobody agrees with me. 😝
  12. I mean, the part where they make a breathless claim of Miggy having said something, without either bothering to get any quotes from Miggy himself, or being unable to. We are only taking Gleyber’s word for it. I’m not saying Gleyber is lying about this—I take him at his word on it. I just find it interesting that a Tigers beat writer couldn’t get someone who is listed as working for the Tigers on their front office directory to actually go on record with the welcome. Probably everyone will disagree with me on this, but I think this says a lot about Miggy’s relationship with the Tigers now.
  13. Anyone else noticing the same weird thing about this article that I’m noticing?
  14. Hope for his sake he put his $8 million to work for himself.
  15. Gleyber doesn’t have the wing for shortstop.
  16. Looks like we have our answer.
  17. Like I say, maybe we see something in his defense we think we can fix? If true, he would be a much better glove at second than Keith would. Keith also had a below average wing for second base. This after his prospect card said he had a cannon for an arm. I don't know how to square the two, unless Keith has been purposely throwing slow from second to first?
  18. I'm pretty sure Hinch was 100% in on the deal and he and Harris already worked out the potential configurations before they signed Torres.
  19. Are you pro-Tork, or are you simply saying you believe this move means Tork is safe for this year?
  20. He's been a minus 2B if you believe FG, and defense had been a priority of this regime, so I'm a little iffy on what his role is going to be, exactly. Maybe they see something we think we can fix, because I would be surprised to learn that Scott Harris is punting on defense just to get a somewhat above league average bat at 2B. I don't see anything yet on our commitment to him, but FG pegged him at 3/54, and I think I might be a little surprised to see us committing three full years to him. He had a down year this year, so who knows, he may have taken 2/40 with a team option. Just spitballing on this.
  21. Does this mean Colt Keith moves to first and Tork is essentially out? Or does this mean Torres is going to take reps at first and Tork is essentially out?
  22. This is what supporters of fascism do: they accuse their enemies of the very things they engage in, or plan to engage in very shortly. They project. Trump's red hats went all in on that years ago. Once they start accusing everyday people who didn't vote for Trump of trying to literally genocide their conservative neighbors off the planet, that's when it's going to be time to make a decision about fighting or fleeing. Seal's been broken already at the top—all they have to do now is push the rhetoric down to neighbor level.
  23. I thought for a few seconds that maybe it was a Trump thing, you know, 45th president coming back and everything, but it still seemed too obscure for that.
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