Don’t much know either way, but it did strike me when Harris was quoted at the Winter Meetings as basically laying down the gauntlet when he said, basically, the performance has to get better and it’s not just offensive performance, it’s defensive performance, too.
That reads to me as though they checked in with Tork before the winter meetings and were not satisfied by what they saw. I think if he were hitting all their check boxes along the way, they would have said something more like, Tork is making some improvements, there’s a long way to go, but we like what we see. Something more like that. Unless he did say that and I missed it, but I don’t believe so. But what was reported comes off as a public calling out.
To me, this is the most interesting storyline of the winter. I’l be interested to see whether any more is said and, just as importantly, how it’s said.