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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. Trump’s intellect was never his strength.
  2. The big takeaway here is that empathy is becoming a dirty word.
  3. Not in the first part, which is the part they like the best and quote the most.
  4. I do like that Trump is experiencing buyer's remorse with ACB.
  5. Not to worry. Farmers—by which I mean multinational agricultural corporations—are going to get their money, which is actually our money, because what else are they gonna do with all the savings from cutting all the so-called “entitlements”? They’re going to give it to their billionaire benefactors and buddies.
  6. I’m pretty sure red hat voters were told they’d have both.
  7. We’ve moved way way up the field away from socialist revolution. We should probably be thrilled just to get back to 2024.
  8. They planning to shove so much bad **** up our asses that we’re not even going to remember there was even such a thing as town halls.
  9. I like how she got the last word on this with facts.
  10. Honestly, I’m wondering how much longer the Democrats are for this world.
  11. So he could time it with the speech tonight.
  12. Also no mention of an apology by Zelenskyy for the meeting going upside down, and that will be noted, if it hasn’t been already.
  13. I started working out at gyms in 1987. In 2002 we bought a home and got our own equipment so I canceled the gym memberships, but long story short, I stopped doing legs and I ended up with knee surgeries as a result. I've started going back to gyms in the past year specifically to do legs, and I have noticed two changes: People had always hogged machines by laying on them in between sets to prevent anyone else using them, but now they have something to keep them on the machine even longer: looking at the phone. They will sit there for five or even ten minutes in between sets. There is a series of five machines I rotate around when I go, and more than once ,when I first get there I have seen someone on a machine I eventually want, I do complete series of three sets on all four of the other machines, and the fifth machine still has the same person staring at the same phone. At no time do I glance over and see them actually using the machine. Every time, on the phone, in between sets. Maddening on a few levels. But, also, I have found that when I do approach someone I have seen on a machine I have worked around and I need that last machine before I go home, and I ask them this exact question: "Do you think you'll be much longer?", I have never once gotten anything less than a cordial reply and an offer either to wait just one more set OK?, or even allow me to work in. People seem much cooler about sharing machines with others now, and they're normally very good about wiping down. Back when I went the gyms before, people would get super agitated if you approached them and bark at you that they'll be off the machine when they're goddamn good and ready.
  14. That's exactly it. "Illegal" is whatever he says it is. He appears to be the law now.
  15. That’s a relatively nice, innocuous thing to say about him.
  16. As it turns out, Trump’s birthday is also Flag Day, so that creates cover with the less gullible, less cultish right wingers.
  17. And this would be another goal of the bankrupting of America through crypto: reduce everyone to subsistence agriculture just to survive day to day, just like in days of old and knights of bold.
  18. I can’t tell whether the ultimate goal is to grift goal is to grift off the rubes using crypto and increasing their reserve of dollars; or whether it is to replace the dollar with crypto so they get to bankrupt the America public entirely and be literally the only people who have any money at all, and they get to enslave everyone else in exchange for a few morsels. The use of multiple cryptos would also mean they get to shift the value back and forth for maximum gain for them and maximum pain for us.
  19. By the way, how's the gold in Fort Knox holding up?
  20. SoCal had made the comment about Ty Cobb in regard to the BBWAA Rule #5. As for the gambling accusations, Cobb and Speaker were almost certainly guilty of what they'd been accused of, which was fixing games for a bet, and they were both forced to resign their managerial positions because of it, and banishment from baseball was on the table. But they were not banished because Landis, for reasons of his own, was disinclined to do so, so they remained in good standing with Baseball, at least technically, And that's they were not declared permanently ineligible. Unfair? Sure. But I would not agree with the unsaid proposition that Rose should be allowed back into Baseball as a result. I wonder whether Manfred would cite Cobb and Speaker if he were to allow Rose back in?
  21. To be clear, I never said that Al Stump's characterization of Cobb was correct. I am as certain as anyone else that it wasn't. What I said was, Lehrsehn did a poor job of trying to demonstrate that Cobb was a man who was merely ordinary for his time in terms of his racism, to the point of even discounting contemporaneous Detroit Free Press articles which stated that Cobb was a man of unusual racist tendencies (which was really saying something for 1905).
  22. Fair comment, although even a sneaky political statement, even one not intended as in your case, makes it fair game. I do want to be clear that I'm not here to drop politics in here unbidden, and I don't, and I didn't this time. That said, I will take your fair comment into consideration in the future. Thanks.
  23. lol certain people who post here stink like a fish or something. Praising the genius of Trump, even in a headline link, is inherently political and deserves a political response. You don't want that political "slop" here? Then strip the politics out of your own posts. Simple as that. I will not escalate this from here, nor will I liken anyone posting here to sea creatures.
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