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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. A quarter mile away is only the length of fewer than four football fields. It's not like it's a different area code.
  2. Not the Daily Beast.
  3. Offhand, I would say because Daily Beast and Salon are journalists, while the Trump regime is a party with an interest in obscuring any bad truths about her and all of their appointees from all of us. Laugh if you want about the "journalists" part, but do you truly believe Daily Beast is flat out lying about what Russian state TV verifiably said? After all, the only counter to it is, "Russian state TV didn't say that at all." Would the Daily Beast spin out such a lie at the expense of their integrity? Or is it because the Daily Beast is not CBS, or Fox News, or whatever news source you most frequent? Also, what do our country's agencies actually say about Tulsi? I don't mean what her technical standing is with them—I mean what do they say, in words?
  4. You're the one who mentioned "cities like Chicago" going first. What else could you have meant? Surely you don't mean criminal gangs suddenly overunning the city and terrorizing white people en masse? Because that is also happening only in your dreams.
  5. So, 220 for the Republicans, eight flipped from Democrats. And 215 Democrats, nine flipped from Republicans. More seats flipped to Democrats than Republicans. You don't say. I guess it wasn't such a mandate election predicated on the failure of Democratic Party ideals after all. Looks like it really was about something else.
  6. Looks like someone wasn't happy with their 28% ACA insurance increase.
  7. I don't think there could be a successful red hat invasion of Chicago. We have are too many people here, over three million. How many red hat vigilantes would it take to subdue the entire city? A hundred thousand? A quarter million? Half a million? How would they coordinate half a million vigilante red hats for an invasion of Chicago? Telegram? Discord? How do they train? How do they battle plan? They may have most of the guns but I don't think they're genius enough to overrun and ghettoize an entire city a la Warsaw. I think this one will have to remain relegated to your fantasy scenario. I think it would have to take Hegseth's army to have a chance of pulling something like that off, although I think it's more likely they simply bomb us into smithereens like Gaza than try to conquer us like Nanking.
  8. Completely different 20 minutes argument.
  9. Pitchers want to maximize time between pitches because it helps them. I don't think hitters complain so much about it.
  10. ****ing nonsense.
  11. How can I not remember all the lyrics from a 40-year-old ad jingle? Shame on me! 😂
  12. Avoiding any super long games during the season is a big win for them. Who wants to stay at work a couple of hours longer when they can punch out in 20 minutes instead?
  13. Once the 40% of farm workers are yanked from the fields and the remaining 60% are paid their fair wage, I’m sure the price of scarcer produce at the supermarket will plummet immediately as patriotic farmers (i.e., multinational agribusinesses) absorb the additional per unit costs, for the good of the American people.
  14. Try mixing some walnuts with your honey nut cherrios and snack on them by the handful. Mmm mmm mmm.
  15. I top my yogurt with walnuts and flax seeds. I’ll give you my walnuts when you pry them from my cold, dead liberal hands.
  16. This trolling is not as subtle as you might think.
  17. That is one potential bright spot in this whole thing: the American people of today, unlike the German people of 90 years ago, or the Russian people of forever, are not used to having government bring the hammer down on their everyday lives, so if the MAGovernment overreaches, they may not be able to overcome the people rising up to oppose them, and there’s a chance they might have to cave. The wild card is whether forces are trained specifically to put down such uprisings, which I assume is the certainty of when and not if; and how effectively they can conscript and deputize armed civilian red hats to help keep both their suspect neighbors and the liberals in nearby cities in check, teaching a few lessons along the way, which is a true wild card.
  18. Do the OOTP thing where you give him 35 Ms a year for four year, then two player options for 14 Ms apiece. Year five, he’s gone.
  19. Almond Joy’s got deep dark chocolate, coconut and munchy nuts, too … Damn you, man.
  20. The majority of players love it. Let’s them clock out earlier.
  21. Walk the Golden Batter and everyone takes two bases. Problem solved. Next. 💩
  22. That sounds reasonable for certain types of employees, particularly individual contributors who don't have responsibility for anyone but themselves, but since I was a VP with direct reports and I was reporting to her, the SVP, that kind of passive aggression would not have worked for my circumstance. Plus, she would have sussed out and punished me for something like that in a millisecond, because group politics was her thing. It was all I could do to manage my people since she would routinely go around me to them for various things, not the least of which was drawing out unofficial feedback about me. I know this because, thank god, I had one guy loyal to me from a previous company we both worked for who clued me in to that. Since I knew she was on thin air in other areas, I just waited for the hammer to come down on her, which it did probably within a few months after that HR meeting. God, do I ever not miss that ****.
  23. First of all, can I just tell you how happy I am you used "duct tape" instead of "duck tape", which drives me nuts? Secondly, other concerns I put forth earlier today set aside, I would hope that an Arenado pickup would see him at third instead of, as some national pundit posited, moved to first base since Arenado said he was open to that. I know we'd like to be rid of TORK!, but Arenado is not the answer to that. He's a plus third baseman and his value is greater there than at first, and his newly reduced stick plays even worse at first than third. So, my vote is no to that idea.
  24. Yes. Well, that and HR works for them, not for you, so it's you they are trying to neuter and manage, not the bosses they are trying to protect from people like you.
  25. I assume it's all a delicate negotiation, at least delicate for Senate Republicans, anyway. Trump doesn't need Gaetz to use Justice to run roughshod over Democrats, Hollywood, the media, and, eventually, everyday dissenters on message boards like you and me—he can do that through Pam Bondi just as effectively. But in a negotiation, if Trump gives them Gaetz, they have to give him Tulsi and Hesgeth and Patel and RFK. Trump holds practically all the cards, so he can design the trade exactly as he sees fit, and the result will still give him everything he was going to get in the first place. In any event, I still don't think Trump will ll subject his most odious appointments to Senate confirmation. It would create far less static to just appoint them in recess, or as merely acting directors, than to put them through the confirmation process and give Democrats and the few apostate Republicans a televised platform to appeal to the people every day for days on end. Appoint them as temps or in recess, weather a one-day news cycle, then spike the football and get to work.
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