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Everything posted by chasfh

  1. chasfh

    MAP PR0N!

    Kind of wild how Memphis, TN is 37501 and West Memphis, Arkansas is 72301.
  2. Of course, there could be another motive behind the tariffs: Trump is looking for direct payoffs from these countries. Can’t happen? Why not?
  3. Which is why it is unthinkable. It may not be unthinkable in four to eight years after Trump tariffs have completely wiped out not only what’s left of the middle class, but large swaths of the lower middle class.
  4. I think he came by his Republican decision more honestly: he understood they already think like him.
  5. You must be talking to someone else, because I don't have him or anyone else on any hook. However, I will say your hypothetical assumes that Obama is the same vain, insecure, criminal character that Trump is, and he can't be, because if Obama were, he would be literally an entirely different person with a different background, outlook, temperament and support structure. This is why the question, respectfully, makes no sense. Someone of Obama's character would never have engaged in something so base and crass as Trump and his craven post-2020 election nonsense. Had you used Bill Clinton in 1996 as your example, you might have come closer to the mark you were aiming for, but then, you couldn't have made your point as effectively as you could have with Obama, that is, were it not such an absurd impossibility.
  6. He died before he could see his man crush retake the White House. Shame, that.
  7. This is similar to the hypothetical that is sometimes asked: how would Babe Ruth do in the major leagues today were be born in 1995 and had access to all the nutritional, training, and coaching advantages players today have? And the answer is, of course, that's also a non sequitur, because if such a person were born today, he would not be Babe Ruth. He would be someone else.
  8. I don't know whether it's so much lost from Western socioeconomic thinking as much as it has been overwhelmed by a muscular cultural identity. Socialism, as far as I can tell, is considered the namby-pamby coddling of those trying to pass themselves off as too weak to work when they are in fact too lazy to get up off their asses. Capitalism is seen as God's own ordained economic order of self-reliance, so ensconced in right-wing cultural thinking that even working-class people with barely a dollar to their names will unironically refer to themselves as "capitalists." There's no actual thinking about of the socioeconomic nature of capitalism taking place there.
  9. So funny because Nixon was the original grievance-driven Republican, and Reagan opened the door for the chiacenry Trump is allowed to get away with.
  10. McCosky obviously loafing on the job … how could he not highlight this? https://blogs.fangraphs.com/sunday-notes-tyler-holton-deserved-his-down-ballot-mvp-vote/ Steven Moya led the CPBL with 30 home runs this season. The 33-year-old former Detroit Tigers outfielder was in his first year in Taiwan, playing for the TSG Hawks.
  11. It just goes to prove that the biggest threat to successful capitalists is actual capitalism.
  12. I don’t trust the AI information yet because, since it is a complete black box to me how it actually works, I think it can be manipulated, or at least misrepresented, by malign actors.
  13. … but … but … but… whatabout the liberal bubble … whatabout the MSM … whatabout the deep state …
  14. I’ve seen these bitcoin “ATMs” in various places as well, and a couple years ago I thought I would give it a spin to buy, like, five dollars or something worth of crypto, and I couldn’t figure out how to buy it or where to put it even if I could buy it. A digital wallet, I presume? Where do you even get one of those? Not at JCPenney or Sears with the other wallets, I’m sure. 😏 Those “ATMs” are probably going to show up as a joke in a Simpsons episode probably sometime this season.
  15. You don’t say. I assume the only places crypto is even accepted are on the dark web for illegal or, at best, quasi legal goods and services. I have no idea how people even buy it, and even less idea how people cash out on it.
  16. In a world where McKinstry has more leverage than Ibanez.
  17. The only way McKinstry is starting on the regular is if a couple of guys get hurt for a decent stretch of time, and if that happens, we ain’t winning anything anyway.
  18. I think a bigger reason is that they have Jace Jung they want to play at third.
  19. Is A.J. unique in this regard?
  20. And all because of a Ford!
  21. I’m with you on this. I would advise people not to hide in their bubble from what’s going on outside of it. It really does make sense to understand what people who don’t share your beliefs think and feel and believe. It’s valuable information for understanding how things in the world stand. By “advise”, I don’t mean people have to actively and continually engage with others who have points of view that are actively hostile to them, or to swim in the same waters as people who would consider you to be their enemy, or as vermin, as a matter of course. I don’t even believe people should have to take intellectually-, ethically-, or morally-bankrupt ideas seriously. Everyone is the master of their own information feed and how they respond to it. For now, anyway.
  22. Peas in a pod flock together
  23. Perfect
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